The Caixin-Markit services purchasing managers’ index came in at 52.7 in August, rebounding from July’s dip and rising further above the 50-point line separating growth from contraction.
8月份,财新中国服务业经营活动指数(Caixin-Markit services PMI)录得52.7,较7月份的下滑有所反弹,升至距离荣枯分界线50更高的位置。
The reading was the highest in three months, with new business at services companies growing at the quickest pace in as much time. Outlook for the coming 12 months improved marginally, with one in five companies surveyed expecting expansion over said period.
While input price growth edged back up from the weakest level in eight years in July, prices charged to clients fell into slight contraction for the first time since March 2016 as some companies cited growing competition.
The improvement from Caixin’s gauge stands in contrast with a fall from its official counterpart published by the National Bureau of Statistics, but brings the headline reading of the former almost exactly in line with the latter.
Caixin’s PMIs focus more on smaller private companies than the NBS gauges, which track mainly large and state-owned firms. Taken together, the latest round of readings appear to point to improving conditions at companies across both sectors – with the exception of state-owned services companies.
Combined with a positive reading from the Caixin manufacturing PMI, the latest reading on China’s services sector brought a composite PMI to 52.4 in August, a six-month high.