In a rare upbeat World Economic Outlook, published at the start of the annual meetings of the IMF and World Bank in Washington, the fund added that the unexpectedly good news had further to run in 2018 and higher investment was also beginning to improve the longer-term economic prognosis.
在IMF和世界银行(World Bank)在华盛顿举行的年度会议开幕之际,IMF发表一份不多见的乐观的《世界经济展望》(World Economic Outlook),并补充称,出人意料的好消息在2018年仍有进一步延续空间,同时更高的投资也开始改善较长期的经济预测。
The last time the global economy grew so fast was in 2010 as the world economy staged a temporary recovery from the 2008-09 financial crisis, so this year’s performance was significantly stronger, according to Maurice Obstfeld, chief economist of the IMF.
IMF首席经济学家莫里斯•奥布斯特费尔德(Maurice Obstfeld)表示,上一次全球经济增长这么快是在2010年,当时世界经济是从2008-09年的金融危机暂时复苏,因此今年的经济表现要强劲得多。
“This is not bounce back from a sharp deceleration, this is an acceleration from the fairly tepid growth rates of recent years, so that’s really good news,” he told the FT in an interview ahead of the report’s publication.
The IMF estimates that the world economy will expand 3.6 per cent in 2017, up from 3.2 per cent recorded last year, and it is likely to grow 3.7 per cent in 2018, the IMF predicted. These growth rates are better than the norm for this decade and finally back to the long-term average of the past 30 years.
The upgraded growth forecasts came alongside predictions of low inflation across the world, helping to boost household incomes, a continuation of loose monetary policies and an end to fiscal austerity in most countries, the IMF said.
China’s economy is also performing better than expected on the back of easy credit and copious public investment. The forecasts for the US were cut marginally, reflecting a weak first quarter of this year and the fund’s view that a large fiscal stimulus is now less likely than it thought in April.
The most significant upgrades to the fund’s forecasts were recorded for the eurozone, which is accelerating strongly as confidence has improved and credit supply has returned to normal.
Despite the strength of its largest trading partner, the UK economy is described as an “exception” to the improved 2017 outlook, with its prospects currently saddled by Brexit uncertainties limiting spending and hitting incomes.
Although the recovery was now broad, not all countries were enjoying the benefit, with some smaller emerging economies, particularly fuel exporters and nations suffering from drought or political instability.
Mr Obstfeld said: “In 2017 nearly a quarter of emerging market and developing countries are expected to have negative per-capita growth rates so that’s a sobering outlook.”
Global trade imbalances have also continued to reduce in severity with China’s trade surplus falling as the world’s largest economy sucks in more imports and some European surpluses decline as domestic spending also increases.
The IMF urged countries to use this sudden outbreak of calm in the global economy as “a window of opportunity” to implement necessary reforms, get public finances gradually in a better shape and in some places such as the US begin to normalise monetary policy.
If achieved, Mr Obstfeld said, such policies could raise the potential growth rate of the world economy and ensure the upswing lasted longer and was able to provide inclusive growth that raised the living standards of most people. At present, he warned that “predicted longer-run potential growth rates are lower than they were in the past”.
The fund did caution that the good times were dependent on assuming there were no serious shocks to the global economy from geopolitical tensions, from an increase in protectionist forces or from negotiations such as those over Brexit or the North American Free Trade Area rupturing existing trade ties and supply chains.
Trade growth has continued to disappoint, barely rising faster than economic growth compared with its pre-crisis rates which tended to be double the rate of world economic growth.
In an indirect, but pointed, message to the Trump administration, the IMF said: “Although the chances of advanced economy policies turning inward have diminished in the near term, pressures for increased protectionism have not disappeared and ought to be resisted.”
The fund also warned China that its delays in rebalancing the economy towards services and consumption by borrowing to fund investment risked an abrupt adjustment which would reverberate across the world. “Unless the Chinese authorities counter the associated risks by accelerating their recent encouraging efforts to curb the expansion of credit, these factors imply a heightened probability of a sharp slowdown in China’s growth,” the fund said.