因为超级飓风“艾尔玛”袭击佛罗里达州,德瑞克•斯塔恩斯(Derek Starnes)和妻子撤离在杰克逊维尔的家,并通过爱彼迎租了间房子,没想到却发现卧室的烟雾探测器里藏了针孔摄像头。斯塔恩斯对美国广播公司表示:
He noticed a small black hole in the master bedroom's smoke detector. He took the device down and realized that the hole was actually a camera lens pointing right at the bed, and feeding video onto an SD card hidden inside.

斯塔恩斯随即报警。警方负责人鲍勃•布尔克(Bob Bourque)称,已经查封了“计算机存储设备、硬盘、电脑、笔记本电脑记忆卡等所有能存储数据的东西(computer storage data devices, hard drives, computers, laptops SD cards anything that would store data)”。
The condo's owner, Wayne Natt, has been an Airbnb host for two years, and has more than 40 renter reviews. He has since been arrested and charged with video voyeurism.

The suspect maintained that everyone recorded in his home was filmed consensually. When pressed for why Natt would conceal the camera in a smoke alarm if the filming was consensual, Lt. Bourque reported that Natt responded that hiding it in the ceiling “gave him a better angle.”

“We are outraged at the reports of what happened; as soon as we were made aware, we permanently banned this individual from our community and fully supported the affected guests. Our team has reached out to local law enforcement to aid them with their investigation of this egregious offense and we hope justice is served. We take privacy issues extremely seriously and have a zero-tolerance policy against this behavior.”


1. 寻找镜头反光
A simple way to spot most types of cameras is to look for the lens reflection. This requires turning off the lights and slowly scanning the room with a flashlight, or laser pointer, looking for bright reflections. It works even better if you’re looking through something like an empty roll of toilet paper because it narrows your focus.

2. 利用专业设备
There are gadgets on the market that are geared specifically toward lens detection, like the BrickHouse Security Mini Hidden Camera Detector. It uses flashing red LEDs for better detection.

In addition to lens detection, you can also get an RF detector. This can pick up wireless cameras within 10 feet or so. Some of the expensive ones have screens to show you what the camera is seeing. Unfortunately, RF detectors aren’t great for wired or record-only cameras.

3. 查看连接无线网的设备
If you can connect to the rental’s wireless network, a free program like Wireless Network Watcher shows what gadgets are connected. You might be able to spot connected cameras. Just be aware that the owner might have put the cameras on a second network, or they could be wired or record-only types.