Peter Hain, the former Labour cabinet minister, told the House of Lords on Wednesday he had asked the UK Treasury to seek an investigation into an unnamed British bank over allegations of illicit transfers of funds on behalf of the Guptas, who are at the heart of a South African corruption scandal.
前工党内阁大臣韩培德(Peter Hain)周三告诉上议院,他已经要求英国财政部对某家未披露名称的英国银行涉嫌为古普塔家族非法转移资金展开调查,古普塔家族处在一起南非腐败丑闻的核心。
Lord Hain separately sent a letter to the Treasury and the Financial Conduct Authority on Tuesday in which he cited evidence showing the transfers had been flagged as suspicious by HSBC’s internal systems.
“I am informed that they were told from the UK headquarters to ignore it,” he told the Lords on Wednesday.
The FCA said: “We have received the letter and will respond in due course,” and declined to comment further. FCA表示:
The letter from Lord Hain, who grew up in South Africa and campaigned against apartheid, urged the watchdog to examine “a serious breach of FCA practice” at HSBC UK, according to one person who has seen it.
Campaigners in South Africa have accused the Guptas of using ties to President Jacob Zuma to control government affairs, including the award of big state contracts. The family and Mr Zuma have always denied the allegations.
南非的活动人士指控古普塔家族利用与南非总统雅各布•祖马(Jacob Zuma)的关系控制政府事务,包括授予大型政府合同。古普塔家族和祖马一直否认这些指控。
Lord Hain had hinted at wrongdoing at HSBC in South Africa in an earlier letter to the UK Treasury. When asked about the issue earlier this week, Stuart Gulliver, HSBC chief executive, said the bank was co-operating with the government.
韩培德勋爵在早些时候给英国财政部的信件中曾暗示过汇丰银行在南非的不当行为。汇丰首席执行官欧智华(Stuart Gulliver)在本周早些时候被问及该问题时表示,汇丰正在配合政府调查。
“On the inquiries as a result of Lord Hain’s letter to the chancellor, obviously we are responding to those inquiries that have come in from the FCA and also from South African authorities, and there is nothing more I can really add at this point in time,” Mr Gulliver said.
An HSBC spokesperson declined to comment further on Wednesday.
Lord Hain said Philip Hammond, the UK chancellor, should “ensure that such evident money laundering and illegality is not tolerated and that the bank is investigated for a possible criminal complicity over this matter”.
韩培德勋爵称,英国财政大臣菲利普•哈蒙德(Philip Hammond)应“确保这种明显的洗钱和非法行为不被容忍,并针对可能存在的共谋犯罪对汇丰展开调查”。
A spokesman for the Treasury said it had passed Lord Hain’s latest letter to the FCA, the National Crime Agency and the Serious Fraud Office.
英国财政部一位发言人称,他们已经将韩培德勋爵最新的信件转交FCA、英国国家打击犯罪局(National Crime Agency)和英国严重欺诈办公室(Serious Fraud Office)。
Lord Hain’s earlier letter had asked Mr Hammond to alert the UK financial enforcement agencies that HSBC and Standard Chartered might have handled illicit funds linked to the Guptas via Dubai and Hong Kong.
韩培德勋爵在早前的信件中要求哈蒙德提醒英国金融执法机构,汇丰银行与渣打银行(Standard Chartered)可能通过迪拜和香港经手过与古普塔家族有关的非法资金。
If the transfers were done in the past five years and involved US dollars, they could have a bearing on HSBC’s deferred prosecution agreement with US authorities. The agreement, which is due to expire next year, allowed the bank to escape criminal charges for money laundering and sanction breaches in 2012.
The scandal around the Guptas has already drawn in other international firms. McKinsey and KPMG have apologised for their South African offices becoming too closely involved with the family, while SAP, the German software maker, has admitted that it made payments to a company tied to the family as it bid for business from South African state-owned companies. The FBI has also begun a probe into US links to the Guptas.