共和党人出台了彻底改革美国税制的计划,力图赢得企业和美国中产阶层的支持,该党试图为唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)动荡的总统任期赢得第一个重大立法胜利。
But despite cutting the top corporate tax rate from 35 per cent to 20 per cent, the proposal provoked a backlash from business, with the US Chamber of Commerce saying “a lot of work remains to be done”.
但是,尽管公司税率从35%削减至20%,这个税改方案引发了企业的反对。美国商会(US Chamber of Commerce)表示“还有大量工作有待完成”。
The small business lobby said it was not receiving enough help, estate agents said home values were threatened, and big borrowers complained of being penalised. Multinationals also face higher-than-expected tax on offshore earnings.
The White House is pinning its hopes on tax reform as its best chance to retain Republican control of Congress next year amid the instability of the Trump presidency.
The tax plan, which delivers on a Republican pledge to cut the corporate rate from one of the highest levels in the developed world, contains mixed results for the wealthiest Americans.
Paul Ryan, the Republican speaker of the House of Representatives, described the plan as relief for “people living pay cheque to pay cheque”, saying the typical family of four would save $1,182 a year on their taxes.
众议院议长、共和党人保罗•瑞安(Paul Ryan)称,该税改方案将让“靠每月薪水支票生活的人”喘一口气,他表示典型的4口之家每年将少缴纳1182美元的税款。
Kevin Brady, chairman of the tax-writing ways and means committee, said the bill would increase the deficit by $1.5tn over 10 years — within the threshold that would enable Republicans to pass it with no Democrat support.
主管税收政策的美国众议院筹款委员会(Ways and Means committee)主席凯文•布雷迪(Kevin Brady)表示,该法案将在未来10年期间使财政赤字增加1.5万亿美元——处在能让共和党人在没有民主党支持的情况下通过这一法案的区间内。