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    US president Donald Trump started his five-nation Asian tour in Japan with hamburgers and Wagyu steak, nine holes of golf, and an indirect yet blunt warning to North Korea, which will be the focus of his trip to the region.

    美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)开始访问五个亚洲国家,他在第一站日本享用了汉堡包与和牛牛排(Wagyu steak),打了一场九洞高尔夫球,并向朝鲜发出间接而生硬的警告。朝鲜将是他此次亚洲之行的焦点。

    “Together with our allies, America’s warriors are prepared to defend our nation using the full range of our unmatched capabilities,” Mr Trump told American troops at Yokota air force base outside Tokyo after arriving in Japan yesterday morning.


    “No one — no dictator, no regime, and no nation — should underestimate, ever, American resolve. Every once in a while, in the past, they underestimated us. It was not pleasant for them.”


    Minutes later, Mr Trump departed on his Marine One helicopter for a golf course where he and Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe signed white trucker hats emblazoned with the words “Donald & Shinzo, Make Alliance Even Greater” before the pair hit the fairways with Hideki Matsuyama, the world’s number four golfer.

    几分钟后,特朗普乘坐他的“海军陆战队一号”(Marine One)直升机去了一个高尔夫球场,他在那里和日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)一起在一些白色的卡车司机帽子上签名,这些帽子上印着“唐纳德和晋三,让同盟甚至更加伟大”,然后两人与世界排名第四的高尔夫球手松山英树(Hideki Matsuyama)一起开打高尔夫球。

    The 11-day tour of Asia — the longest trip to the region by an American president since George Bush in 1991 — will also take Mr Trump to South Korea and China. Later in the week, he will fly to Vietnam to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, before heading to the Philippines for two other Asian regional summits.

    在此次为期11天的亚洲之行中——自1991年老乔治(George H. W. Bush)以来美国总统对该地区持续最长的出访——特朗普还将到访韩国和中国。本周晚些时候,他将前往越南参加亚太经济合作组织(APEC)峰会,然后前往菲律宾参加另外两个亚洲的地区峰会。

    General HR McMaster, US national security adviser, said Mr Trump would focus on three goals, including promoting an open and free Indo-Pacific region and boosting US prosperity through fair trade. But the third goal of “strengthening international resolve to denuclearise North Korea” will get the most attention, coming less than two months after Mr Trump said that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was “on a suicide mission”.

    美国国家安全顾问、陆军中将H•R•麦克马斯特(HR McMaster)表示,特朗普将聚焦于三个目标,包括推动一个开放和自由的印度洋-太平洋地区,以及通过公平贸易促进美国的繁荣。但是第三个目标,“加强国际间促使朝鲜弃核的决心”将受到最大关注;不到两个月前,特朗普曾说朝鲜领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)在执行“自杀任务”。

    Speaking on Air Force One en route to Japan, Mr Trump stressed that he wanted to solve the North Korean problem, saying: “There’s been 25 years of total weakness, and so we’re taking a very much different approach.” But during his Asia tour, he will have to navigate differences with Japan, South Korea and China.

    在乘坐空军一号(Air Force One)前往日本途中,特朗普强调,他希望解决朝鲜问题,称:“已经有25年的完全软弱,所以我们在采取一种非常不同的姿态。”但在此次访问亚洲期间,他将不得不谨慎处理与日本、韩国和中国之间的分歧。

    Japanese officials welcome his approach towards Pyongyang, which involves tough unilateral and multilateral sanctions, but some worry that his rhetoric could spark a miscalculation.


    South Korea and China, on the other hand, want him to match the sanctions with more talk of negotiations.


    He will also face the reality that relations between the two main US allies in Asia — Japan and South Korea — are fraught, as evidenced by the fact that South Korean officials were frustrated that Mr Trump would spend more time in Tokyo than in Seoul.


    Robert Hormats, vice-chairman of Kissinger Associates, said it was crucial that Mr Trump used his visits to Seoul and Tokyo to demonstrate “strategic unity” between the US and its allies.

    基辛格顾问公司(Kissinger Associates)副董事长罗伯特•霍马茨(Robert Hormats)表示,至关重要的是,特朗普利用访问首尔和东京的机会,展示美国与其盟国之间的“战略团结”。

    “Differences of opinion, or even the appearance of such, would signal to Pyongyang that it can drive a wedge between the US and these two countries,” said Mr Hormats. “The more doubts he casts on the reliability of the US as a protector of these countries the more they will probably turn to making deals with Pyongyang.”


    While Mr Trump has forged a strong bond with Mr Abe, his relationship with South Korean president Moon Jae-in is less warm. In Seoul, where he will address the parliament on Wednesday, much attention will be paid to the tenor of his rhetoric. Despite their alliance, Mr Trump has regularly irked South Koreans, accusing Mr Moon of appeasement towards North Korea and threatening to rip up a free trade deal known as Korus.

    尽管特朗普与安倍晋三建立了牢固关系,但他与韩国总统文在寅(Moon Jae-in)之间不那么投机。在首尔(周三他将在韩国国会发表讲话),人们将高度关注他的言论的调子。尽管美韩是同盟,但特朗普经常惹恼韩国方面,他曾指责文在寅对朝鲜采取绥靖政策,并威胁要撕毁《韩美自由贸易协定》(KORUS)。

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