上周日,在德克萨斯州圣•安东尼奥(San Antonio)以东约30英里处的一个农村教堂,一名持枪者开枪射击,导致至少26人丧生,多人受伤。
Greg Abbott, Texas Governor, confirmed at a press conference on Sunday evening that children were among the victims of the state’s largest mass shooting in history at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs.
德克萨斯州州长雷格•艾伯特(Greg Abbott)在周日晚的一场记者招待会上证实,在发生于萨瑟兰斯普林斯市(Sutherland Springs)第一浸会教堂(First Baptist Church)的这次该州历史上最大的大规模枪击案中,有些孩子成为了受害者。
Mr Abbott said he did not know if the death toll, which included one person who died of their wounds after being transported from the scene, would rise.
Federal and local law enforcement descended on the town of fewer than 900 people, with agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives on the scene.
大量的联邦和当地执法人员已前往这个人口不足900人的小镇,联邦调查局(FBI)和烟酒枪械及爆炸物管理局(Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives)的工作人员出现在现场。
Speaking at the press conference, Freeman Martin of the Texas Department of Public Safety said the shooter had been dressed in all black and was seen leaving a Valero gas station at about 11.20am.
德克萨斯州警察局(Texas Department of Public Safety)的弗里曼•马丁(Freeman Martin)在记者招待会上表示,射击者穿着一身黑衣,有人看到他在大约上午11时20分离开一个瓦莱罗(Valero)加油站。
A local resident intervened with a rifle, firing at the gunman and then pursuing him in his car. Local law enforcement also became involved in the chase. He was found dead after his car ran off the roadway and crashed following the chase. Officials were unsure of the cause of the gunman’s death.
The gunman had been carrying a Ruger AR assault rifle and wearing a ballistic vest. Mr Martin described the assailant as a young white male in his early 20s. The police did not release his name.
Donald Trump, US president, who is in Japan as part of his five-nation Asian tour, echoed Mr Abbott in calling the shooting an “act of evil” and offered his prayers to the families of victims of the shooting.
正处在亚洲之旅日本站的美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)呼应了艾伯特,称这次枪击为一次“邪恶行为”,并对枪击案受害者家属致以祈祷。
Mr Trump said he had spoken with the governor of Texas and Sarah Sanders, the White House spokeswoman, said the president had received briefings on the situation while in Japan.
特朗普表示,他已跟德克萨斯州州长通过话;白宫发言人萨拉•桑德斯(Sarah Sanders)表示,这位总统在日本已得到了案情通报。
The shooting is the latest in a string of tragedies to rock the US and comes just over a month after 58 people were killed at an outdoor concert in Las Vegas, the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history.