周一,美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)在与日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)于东京举行的一场联合记者招待会上宣布,针对朝鲜的“战略忍耐时代”已经终结了。
Mr Trump defended his strong rhetoric against North Korea following 25 years of “weak rhetoric” and said the US would stand in solidarity with the people of Japan against the “North Korean menace”.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said there was “no point in dialogue for the sake of dialogue with North Korea” and said it was time to exert maximum pressure on the country.
Mr Abe said if it was necessary, Japan would shoot down missiles fired by North Korea.
Mr Trump also met the families of Japanese young people abducted by North Korea during his visit. When asked by a reporter about what would happen to these people if the US were to take military action against North Korea, Mr Trump gave only a vague response, suggesting Kim Jong Un could return the abductees signalling the “start of something very special.”
在访问中,特朗普还会见了遭朝鲜绑架的日本年轻人的家属。当一名记者问到假如美国对朝鲜发动军事行动,这些人会怎么样的问题时,特朗普只给了一个含糊的回答,暗示金正恩(Kim Jong Un)可能会放还被绑架者,那预示着“某一非常特别的事情的开始。”