经济在增长;失业率在下降。巴黎提出了一堆重振欧盟(EU)的想法。在柏林,对法国总统埃马纽埃尔•马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)远大抱负的公开礼貌回应,很难掩盖德国日益收紧支票簿的事实。人们不禁在想,欧洲一体化事业是否即将错过一个罕见的机遇?
For several years, Germany bemoaned the absence of a serious partner in Paris — a politician in the Elysée ready to modernise the French economy and restore the Franco-German dynamic to EU politics. If only, German policymakers lamented, the burden of European leadership could again be shared.
Angela Merkel’s government has got what it asked for. And more. Mr Macron’s passionate Europeanism is fused with the realism that says that France must put its own economic house in order. The months since the presidential election have seen the budget deficit cut, labour laws liberalised and taxes reduced. Mr Macron is paying for his seat at the table.
安格拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)政府的这个愿望得到了满足——可以说得到了超额满足。马克龙炙热的欧洲主义融合了现实主义,后者告诉他:法国必须理顺自己的经济。自大选以来的几个月里,法国削减了预算赤字、放松了劳工法并削减了税赋。马克龙正在为获得自己的话语权付出实实在在的努力。
For Europe, the timing is as good as it is likely to get. The need for Europe to reinvent itself — for reforms to align the EU’s capacity with today’s challenges — for once coincides with the opportunity.
Some problems may not go away soon — the slide to illiberalism in parts of eastern Europe, the collision between Spain and Catalan separatists. But the cloud of perpetual crisis has lifted. Economic confidence in the eurozone is at its highest since 2001, the migration crisis has abated and populism mostly has been temporarily checked.
The challenges speak for themselves. The eurozone has been patched up, but the monetary union lacks strong economic foundations. The monopolistic power of American technology behemoths calls for an EU-wide sharpening of competition and tax rules. The 2015 refugee crisis exposed the weakness of the Union’s external frontier and tensions between national immigration rules and the Schengen open borders regime. Populism has exposed real grievances among the left-behinds.
Framed with the outsize confidence of a politician who had just upended the political order of France’s Fifth Republic, the vivid colours of Mr Macron’s project were always going to clash with the greys of Berlin. What I see now, however, are German politicians falling into a trap that the Brits never stepped out from during four decades of EU membership. Europe, in this self-defeating mindset, is a series of zero-sum transactions — entries on a bean-counter’s balance sheet, rather than the backbone of the continent’s peace and prosperity.
The Germany of not so long ago took a broader view. Not from altruism but for good reasons of selfish national interest. The Federal Republic’s economic welfare and physical security, not to say the reunification of the two Germanies, has all along rested on the three pillars of the postwar European order. Now they are being called into question.
The EU was at once the instrument of reconciliation with France and the answer to the fabled German question — how to accommodate a nation too big for its own continent and yet too small for the world. More than incidentally, it also supplied the marketplace for resurgent German industry. The Nato alliance added an essential security guarantee in the form of the US presence on the continent; and the Helsinki accords of 1975 put to rest the quarrels over borders long at the heart of European wars.
Events are chipping away at each of the three. Donald Trump’s elevation to the White House puts a question mark over how long the US will remain a European power. Russia’s annexation of Crimea and invasion of eastern Ukraine scorns the terms of Helsinki. For its part, the EU is losing Britain — an awkward partner maybe, but a European power for all that.
这三个支柱正在受到一系列事件的削弱。唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)当选为美国总统,让美国还会在欧洲呆多久成了未知数。俄罗斯吞并克里米亚并入侵乌克兰东部,践踏了《赫尔辛基协议》达成的条件。欧盟本身失去了英国——尽管英国对欧盟事业一直不能算热心,但它毕竟是一个欧洲强国。
When Berlin’s policymakers dismiss Mr Macron’s plans for a eurozone budget as no more than a call for additional cash transfers from German taxpayers, they turn away from this broader understanding of the national interest. When politicians say the answer to eurozone strains is for others to behave more like, well, Germany, you wonder whether we are on the road from a European Germany to a German Europe.
The game is not lost. If one effect of the success in the election of the xenophobic Alternative for Germany was to shift politics in a nationalist direction, another was to persuade mainstream politicians that Germany badly needs a new deal to underpin Schengen. Reform of Schengen in return for strengthening the eurozone?
这盘棋并没有输。如果说排外的德国新选择党(Alternative for Germany)在选举中的胜利的一个影响是让政治转向民族主义方向,那另一个影响就是说服主流政治家,德国亟需一份新协议来支持申根。是不是应该为加强欧元区而改革申根协议?
The chancellor’s allies say she is constrained for the moment by the sensitive coalition negotiations with the more Eurosceptic Free Democrats. Ms Merkel will never be an instinctive European, but she understands the geopolitics that root Germany’s interests in the architecture of European integration.
默克尔的盟友们表示,她正在与立场更偏向“疑欧”的自由民主党(Free Democrat)进行敏感的结盟谈判,这让她眼下束手束脚。默克尔永远不会本能地支持欧洲一体化,但是她理解让德国利益扎根于欧洲一体化架构中的地缘政治。
Others will tell you that France and Germany always start from very different places. French enthusiasm and German scepticism mark a natural division of labour. What matters is they then show the political will to strike a balance. Maybe. In Mr Macron France has a leader with the courage to speak for a stronger Europe. He is waiting for an answer from Berlin.
The writer at present is a Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow of the Robert Bosch Academy in Berlin
本文作者目前是柏林罗伯特•博世基金会(Robert Bosch Academy)理查德•冯•魏茨泽克(Richard von Weizsäcker)研究员
philip.stephens@ft.com 译者/裴伴