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    A leading exchange operator is getting in on investor enthusiasm for Fangs, a small basket of highly valuable technology stocks, with the launch of a futures contract branded with the catchy acronym.


    The Fangs — Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Alphabet, the parent company of Google — are joined by six other tech names in the futures contract that began trading Wednesday on Intercontinental Exchange. “Trade the top of tech,” said ICE in an announcement to customers.

    除了Fang——即Facebook、亚马逊(Amazon)、Netflix和谷歌(Google)母公司Alphabet以外,该期货合约还包括其他6家科技公司。美国洲际交易所(Intercontinental Exchange,简称ICE)周三开始交易这一期货合约,ICE在对客户宣布该产品时号称“操盘顶尖科技股”。

    ICE, which also owns the New York Stock Exchange, created the NYSE FANG+ stock index in September. The equally-weighted basket is up 58 per cent in the year to date, compared to a 16 per cent gain for the S&P 500 stock index.

    旗下拥有纽约证交所(NYSE)的ICE,在今年9月推出了纽交所FANG+股指(NYSE FANG+)。这个同等权重的篮子今年迄今已上涨58%,相比之下标准普尔500指数(S&P 500)上涨16%。

    It is the latest instance of a derivatives market trying to cash in on excitement happening outside its gates. Last week CME Group, the world’s biggest futures exchange operator, said it planned to offer bitcoin futures as prices for the cryptocurrency soar.

    这是衍生品市场尝试利用自身市场外兴奋情绪的最新一例。上周,全球最大期货交易所运营商芝加哥商品交易所集团(CME Group,简称芝商所)宣布计划推出比特币期货。这种加密货币的价格正在飙升。

    ICE will next year lose the right to list futures on the Russell 2000 small-stock index as they migrate to CME. The Russell index family is owned by London Stock Exchange Group, an ICE competitor. The FANG+ index is controlled by ICE.

    明年ICE将失去上市小盘股指数罗素2000(Russell 2000)的期货的权利,因为这些期货将转投芝商所。罗素指数系列为ICE的竞争对手伦敦证交所集团(London Stock Exchange Group)所有。ICE则控制了FANG+指数。

    Trabue Bland, president of ICE Futures US, said his company invented NYSE FANG+ in response to customer demand. Futures volume had topped 40 contracts at midday in New York.

    ICE期货美国总裁特拉比•布兰德(Trabue Bland)表示,他们公司应客户需求推出了纽交所FANG+股指。截至纽约午盘时分,期货成交量达到40份合约。

    “We were out talking to customers about equity indexes, and this was the product that came back the most. It was the stocks that people were most excited about, and most excited about trading in one basket,” Mr Bland said.


    In addition to the four stocks captured by the Fang acronym, the equally weighted ICE index includes Apple, Alibaba, Baidu, Nvidia, Tesla and Twitter. The total market value of the 10 stocks is $3.5tn.


    Nicholas Colas of DataTrek, a research company, said it was unclear what question the product was supposed to answer or who the main users of the product would be, and called the US-listed stocks in the index “remarkably geo-centric”.

    研究公司DataTrek的尼古拉斯•科拉斯(Nicholas Colas)表示,还不清楚这款产品要回答什么问题,或者产品的主要用户群是谁。他表示指数中的股票都在美国上市,“极为地理中心”。

    He was amused by the “trade the top of tech” announcement. “Is it really the top of tech, like 1999?” he asked.


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