Chinese corporations and financial institutions are the world’s top issuers of green bonds, which are debt instruments devoted to financing environmental projects. The proceeds of Thursday’s sale will be used to finance wind power projects in France and Britain as well as 15 subway projects in China, according to BoC. The deal is certified by the Climate Bond Initiative, a London-based advocacy group that sets standards for green finance.
中国的企业和金融机构是世界上发行绿色债券最多的。绿色债券是专门用于资助环保项目的债务工具。中国银行表示,周四发行募集的资金将用于对接法国和英国的风电项目、以及中国的15个地铁项目。这次发行得到了气候债券倡议组织(Climate Bond Initiative,CBI)的认证。CBI是伦敦一家制定绿色金融标准的倡导团体。
The sale by BoC, China’s fourth largest bank by assets, consisted of dollar, euro and offshore renminbi tranches worth, respectively, $500m, €700m, and Rmb1bn. The sale generated $3.8bn worth of orders, with the euro tranche most in demand, according to BoC.
Global green bond issuance totaled $94.5bn in the first nine months of this year, up from $63.2bn in the same period last year, according to Moody’s. China led the way with $17.2bn, with France close behind at $17.1bn and the US in third with $11.7bn.
HSBC, BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole, and BoC were joint lead undewriters on the latest BoC deal.
汇丰(HSBC)、法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)、法国农业信贷银行(Credit Agricole)和中国银行是中国银行这笔最新交易的联席主承销商。
The five-year, floating-rate dollar tranche priced at 88 basis points over three-month Libor, while the three-year euro tranche was sold at 47 bps above three-month Euribor, and the fixed-rate offshore renminbi tranche came in at 4.5 per cent. The bonds will trade on the Euronext exchange.