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    A growing number of Chinese investments targeting US companies are stalling because of a slowdown in Washington’s national security review process, and as trade tensions rise between Beijing and Donald Trump’s administration.

    由于华盛顿减慢了国家安全审查进程,越来越多针对美国公司的中国投资陷入停滞。中国政府与唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)政府的贸易紧张态势加剧。

    Lawmakers in Washington last month introduced bipartisan bills in both chambers of Congress that, if passed next year as many expect, would mark the most significant reforms in a decade of how the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US (Cfius) operates.


    Cfius already has the power to block investments for national security reasons, but the draft legislation would expand its remit to include overseas joint ventures involving US-based companies. That could subject outbound US investments to heretofore unseen scrutiny.


    The reform push — backed by the Trump administration — is aimed largely at combating China’s growing appetite for US companies in technology and other strategic sectors. But it has coincided with an unusually protracted political transition, with most of the committee’s Trump appointees still awaiting Senate confirmation. That has left lawyers complaining of unusual delays.


    While some blame the administration’s suspicions regarding Chinese investment, people close to the process say it also reflects a shortage of political appointees. The mid-level career staff filling many of the 16-agency committee’s seats are seen as unwilling to make controversial decisions, especially when sensitivities about investments from China are high.


    The delays have had a material effect on transactions involving Chinese investors. Since the start of 2016, 25 US acquisitions by Chinese companies have been announced but not yet completed, according to Dealogic. That is almost as high as the 27 stalled deals from all other G7 countries put together.


    Late last month Cowen, a New York-based boutique investment bank, cancelled a $275m investment from CEFC China Energy, blaming delays and “uncertainty” in securing Cfius approval.

    上月下旬,纽约精品投行Cowen以延误和取得CFIUS批准的“不确定性”为由,取消了中国华信能源(CEFC China Energy,简称“华信”)的2.75亿美元投资。

    Among other deals caught up in the delays are Ant Financial’s agreed $1.3bn bid for MoneyGram, a Dallas-based money transfer company, which was announced in January, and Oceanwide’s $2.7bn acquisition of Genworth Financial, announced in October 2016.

    陷入延误的其他交易包括,蚂蚁金服(Ant Financial)今年1月宣布的以13亿美元收购总部位于达拉斯的汇款公司速汇金(MoneyGram),以及中国泛海(China Oceanwide)在2016年12月宣布的以27亿美元收购Genworth Financial。

    Genworth, an insurance company based in Richmond, Virginia, has pushed back its merger deadline from November to next April, and has begun to prepare investors for a plan B. Such a move could be wise, said analysts, in view of strains between the two countries.


    David Malpass, the under secretary for international affairs at the US Treasury, told the FT recently that America’s main programme for bolstering economic relations with China was “stalled” because of Beijing’s failure to liberalise its economy. The Commerce Department has also self-initiated an anti-dumping case over Chinese aluminium sheeting imports, and the results of investigations into steel imports and Chinese national security practices are expected in the months to come.

    美国财政部负责国际事务的副部长戴维•马尔帕斯(David Malpass)最近向英国《金融时报》表示,由于北京方面未能让其经济实现自由化,美国提升美中经济关系的主要计划“陷入停滞”。美国商务部还自主发起一宗针对中国铝板进口的反倾销调查,同时针对钢材进口和中国国家安全做法的调查结果预计在未来几个月发布。

    Rod Hunter, who oversaw Cfius cases while on President George W Bush’s National Security Council and is now a partner at law firm Baker McKenzie, said the US moves were part of a broader international crackdown on record levels of Chinese investment. The EU is considering new constraints on inbound investment and Australia and Canada are among other countries implementing similar scrutiny.

    曾作为乔治•W•布什(George W Bush)总统的国家安全委员会(National Security Council)代表监督CFIUS案件、现在是贝克•麦坚时国际律师事务所(Baker & McKenzie)合伙人的罗德•亨特(Rod Hunter)表示,美国的举措是更广泛的国际行动的一部分,目的是抑制中国的创纪录对外投资。欧盟(EU)正考虑针对外来投资设置新的限制,澳大利亚和加拿大等国也在实行类似的审查。

    But by extending Cfius’ scrutiny to outbound investment and overseas joint ventures, the proposed US legislation would vastly expand the number of transactions facing review to thousands from the 250 or so expected this year.


    “It basically would turn the investment regime into a technology control regime,” Mr Hunter said.


    The Trump administration has so far navigated economic relations with China more carefully than many expected. President Trump has hailed planned US investments by China’s Alibaba and Taiwan’s Foxconn, which has many of its operations in mainland China, and his trip to China earlier this year coincided with the announcement of $250bn in business deals.


    Still, many suspect Mr Trump’s intentions. John Reynolds, a partner at Davis Polk in Washington, said he had been withholding judgment as to whether the administration’s position on China trade would affect Cfius.

    话虽如此,很多人质疑特朗普的意图。华盛顿达维律师事务所(Davis Polk)合伙人约翰•雷诺兹(John Reynolds)表示,对于特朗普政府对中国贸易的立场是否将影响美国外国投资委员会,此前他不愿作出评判。

    Nearly a year on, though, the record of delays, withdrawals and blocks shows “a more aggressive interpretation of US national security interests in direct foreign investment,” he said. The relationship to changes in broader US trade policy, he said, seems “more than coincidental”.


    Resolution of the growing list of deals in limbo may not be imminent, said Robert Hockett, a professor at Cornell Law School, without progress on matters such as North Korea.

    康奈尔大学法学院(Cornell University Law School)教授罗伯特•霍基特(Robert Hockett)表示,在朝鲜等问题没有进展的情况下,日益增多的悬而未决的交易可能不会马上解决。

    “My impression is that Mr Trump is much more willing to apply very crude forms of leverage like this, by essentially manipulating the processes by which unrelated matters get resolved,” he said. “They seem to me, the Trump folks, to be virtually shameless about that.”


      上一篇:英仕曼集团将在中国推出量化对冲基金 下一篇:不要夸大普京的能量


