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     The EU, Japan and the US are set to announce a new alliance to take on China more aggressively over trade issues such as overcapacity in steel and forced technology transfers, in a rare effort at international economic co-operation by the Trump administration.


    In a statement due to be issued on Tuesday on the sidelines of a World Trade Organization meeting, the three economies will target the “severe excess capacity” in important sectors like steel and the role of illegal subsidies, state financing and state-owned enterprises in fuelling it, according to a draft read to the Financial Times.


    Also targeted are the rules in countries such as China that require foreign investors to hand over important proprietary technologies or house content and data on local servers.


    The statement will not name China. But it reflects all three economies’ growing angst about its continuing economic rise, officials said. It also addresses two of the Trump administration’s main complaints against China — its flooding of global markets with cheap steel, aluminium and other commodities and the way it is using intellectual property rules to acquire strategic technologies.


    Mr Trump and his aides have lashed out at China and revived US trade statutes to launch controversial investigations that could lead to punitive tariffs and other trade sanctions.


    But the EU and Japan have been seeking to talk the administration out of unilateral action, arguing that co-operating with the EU and countries like Japan would better serve US interests and do more to raise pressure on Beijing.


    The goal is to stave off a feared surge in protectionism. A new study due to be released on Tuesday by Simon Evenett, a researcher at St Gallen University in Switzerland, is set to show that protectionist measures introduced since the 2008 global financial crisis have caused the growth of EU exports to stall.

    其目标是避免贸易保护主义浪潮高涨这一令人担忧的情况出现。瑞士圣加仑大学(University of St Gallen)的研究员西蒙•伊文奈特(Simon Evenett)预计于周二公布的一项新研究报告将显示,自2008年全球金融危机以来出台的保护主义措施已导致欧盟出口增长停滞。

    Subsidies, Mr Evenett said, have been a major component of that. “This isn't the protectionist mix our forefathers would have recognised and reflects the holes in the WTO's rule book, especially as they relate to subsidies,” he said.


    EU officials are also keen to convince the Trump administration to embrace the WTO as a venue for fighting its trade battles rather than going it alone. Tuesday’s statement is due to call for “enhancing trilateral co-operation in the WTO”, according to one EU official.


    The move comes amid a combative biennial meeting of ministers from the WTO’s 164 member countries in Buenos Aires. Many see the Trump administration’s assault on the institution as casting a dark cloud.


    Addressing his fellow ministers on Monday, US trade representative Robert Lighthizer said the WTO faced “serious challenges” including “losing its essential focus on negotiation and becoming a litigation-centred organisation”. He called for the WTO to do more to focus on issues like chronic industrial overcapacity and the role of state-owned enterprises in distorting global trade.

    周一,美国贸易代表罗伯特•莱特希泽(Robert Lighthizer)在向各国部长演讲时表示,WTO面临着“严峻挑战”,其中包括“失去了对协商的必要关注,开始变成以诉讼为中心的组织”。他呼吁WTO采取更多努力,关注长期工业产能过剩以及国有企业在扭曲全球贸易中的作用等问题。

    He also complained about WTO rules that allow China and other major emerging economies special treatment that exempts them from certain requirements.


    “If in the opinion of a vast majority of members playing by current WTO rules makes it harder to achieve economic growth, then clearly serious reflection is needed,” he said.


    Mr Lighthizer did not mention a US bid to force change in a WTO dispute-settlement arm that it sees as too interventionist.


    Because the US is now blocking the filling of vacancies on its appellate body as members’ terms run out, one of the main subjects of discussion on the sidelines in Buenos Aires has been what many fear is a US bid to dismantle the dispute system. Monday marked the final day of a Belgian member’s four-year term, leaving the appellate panel with just four of its seven judges in place.

    上诉机构(Appellate Body)部分成员任期已满,但因为美国眼下阻挠该机构填补空缺,此次布宜诺斯艾利斯会议间隙讨论的主要话题之一就是很多人担心的美国可能要求废除争端解决机制。周一是上诉机构一名比利时成员4年任期的最后一天,使得该机构7个成员席位目前只有4人在任。

    In meetings with fellow ministers Mr Lighthizer has continued to lay out the US’s complaints about the dispute system. But he has not offered any potential solutions, officials say.


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