克里姆林宫警告俄罗斯主要的反对派政治人士阿列克谢•纳瓦尔尼(Alexei Navalny)不要针对其被排除在明年3月的总统大选之外发起抗议活动。这可能意味着克里姆林宫要对那些寻求挑战弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)的人士进行更广泛的打击。
Mr Navalny was formally barred from standing by the Central Election Commission, which on Monday said he was ineligible due to a criminal conviction. Shortly after the commission’s decision, the anti-corruption blogger called for a boycott of the election and threatened countrywide street protests.
纳瓦尔尼已被中央选举委员会(Central Election Commission)正式禁止参选。周一,该委员会以纳瓦尔尼曾被判刑事罪名成立为由,称其没有资格参加大选。中央选举委员会宣布该决定后不久,这位反腐博主呼吁抵制此次大选,并威胁要在全国范围内组织街头抗议。
“Appeals for a boycott, of course, are subject to very scrupulous examination of whether they comply with or contradict the law,” Dmitry Peskov, Mr Putin’s spokesman, said on Tuesday. He rejected charges by critics that Mr Navalny’s exclusion would undermine the legitimacy of the upcoming race.
“当然,进行抵制的呼吁要经过严格审查,以认定其遵守或是违反法律,”普京发言人德米特里•佩斯科夫(Dmitry Peskov)周二表示。他拒绝接受批评者的指控,后者称,将纳瓦尔尼排除在外将削弱此次大选的合法性。
According to Mr Peskov, Mr Putin was to personally hand in his documents at the CEC on Tuesday to register as a candidate. His candidacy is a formality since the commission, like most of the country’s political institutions, is loyal to the Kremlin.
The government has argued that Mr Navalny’s participation in the presidential election is impossible because of a court verdict from February in which he found guilty of fraud. That conviction was resurrected by a provincial court this year, after the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Mr Navalny had been denied a fair trial.
俄罗斯政府主张,纳瓦尔尼不可能参加总统选举,因为他在2017年2月被法院判决犯有欺诈罪。在欧洲人权法院(European Court of Human Rights)裁定纳瓦尔尼未得到公平审判后,一家地区法院今年再度作出这项定罪。
Russia’s supreme court subsequently ordered a retrial, when the proceedings almost exactly mirrored those in the first round. The verdict was almost word-for-word a copy of the earlier one, leading legal critics to accuse the Kremlin of pursuing the case for political gain.
Mr Putin, who has been in power for almost 18 years, is expected to comfortably win re-election in March, because many Russians are resigned to the fact that the elections will not lead to political change. Mr Putin’s approval ratings remain above 80 per cent.
Mr Navalny would not win more than 2 per cent if elections were held now, according to independent pollster Levada.
But some independent analysts see Mr Navalny as the only Russian politician who has the potential to challenge Mr Putin. Mr Navalny has been campaigning across the country for more than a year to be allowed to run, opening campaign offices in most of Russia’s more than 80 regions. He has built a grassroots network of volunteers, toured the country for rallies despite harassment from regional governments and police, and built an audience of millions for his internet video channel.