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    Global exchanges attracted the largest number of listings since the financial crisis this year, with a resurgence of activity in the US and a record number of Chinese deals belying concerns that companies are cooling to the idea of public ownership.


    Almost 1,700 companies floated in 2017, an increase of 44 per cent over 2016 and the most initial public offerings since 2007, according to Dealogic. Proceeds rose 44 per cent to $196bn, the largest amount since 2014, which had been boosted by Alibaba’s $25bn listing.


    In the US companies raised $49bn — double the $24bn of listings in 2016, which was the worst year for IPOs in more than a decade. European listings rose more than 40 per cent and China marked a record number of deals, which helped to boost the global deal count. More than 400 companies floated in 2017 on the mainland markets, comprising the Shenzhen and Shanghai stock exchanges, according to EY.


    In Asia themes included an insurance boom in India while China’s shift from manufacturing to a services-based economy was reflected in the listing market.


    However, the performance of some of the year’s biggest deals tempered enthusiasm among some investors about the year ahead.


    The average gain of 23 per cent for IPOs in 2017 in the US did not significantly outperform the 20 per cent rise in the S&P 500 index, according to Renaissance Capital, which runs IPO-focused funds.

    据旗下管理着专注于IPO的基金的晋新资本(Renaissance Capital)介绍,平均而言,2017年美国新上市股票的股价涨幅为23%,并未显著超过标准普尔500指数(S&P 500) 20%的涨幅。

    Hong Kong lost out to the New York Stock Exchange as the leading venue for IPOs based on proceeds, a title that the Asian exchange held in 2016 and 2015. NYSE jumped from third and Hong Kong slipped to fourth behind Shanghai and Nasdaq. The London Stock Exchange ranked sixth. London weathered a spate of pulled deals in an otherwise positive year for Europe.

    香港交易所(HKEx)在2015年和2016年连续两年成为募资额最高IPO交易所,但在2017年被纽约证交所(NYSE)夺走这一桂冠。纽交所从第3位上升至首位,而港交所下滑至第4位,落后于上交所和纳斯达克(Nasdaq)。伦敦证交所(London Stock Exchange)排在第6位。伦敦挺过了一系列的上市交易取消,除此之外今年欧洲的IPO市场表现积极。

    Hong Kong has taken measures to lure more companies with plans to permit dual share classes, a structure of particular interest to tech entrepreneurs seeking to retain greater control.


    Bruce Wu, co-head of greater China equity capital markets at Citi, said that “having these new chapters should help Hong Kong to become a more viable avenue for companies with these attributes”.

    花旗(Citi)大中华区股权资本市场联席主管Bruce Wu说,“打开这些新的篇章应该有助于香港成为有这些特质的企业的一个更可行的上市场所”。

    He added that there have been a lot of “new economy” companies, such as fintech and biotech, listing this year in Asia. “The attractive pricing and healthy after-market performance of several of these IPOs could be interpreted as the institutional investors in this region are now better disposed to valuing and embracing these stories with a valuation lens comparable to that of US institutional investors.”


    “Blank cheque companies”, which list and then find companies to buy, also staged their first big comeback since the 2008 financial crisis.


      上一篇:中国上市公司大股东热衷于股票质押 下一篇:吉利拟32.5亿欧元入股沃尔沃集团


