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    Faster economic growth last year coincided with smaller tax rises and public spending cuts in many countries. That is at least partly why many economists are so keen on the use of fiscal policy — spending and tax — to stabilise economies.


    Growth in 2016 and 2017 has been faster than many predicted early last year, when fear of a potential new global downturn played a role in fiscal policymakers loosening the purse strings last year.


    Although this loosening coincided with an acceleration in growth, it was not the only explanation for the rebound. “It does seem that most of the action was related to other factors,” says Vitor Gaspar, director of the fiscal affairs department at the International Monetary Fund.

    尽管财政政策的放松与经济增速加快同时出现,但这并不是经济增长反弹的唯一解释。国际货币基金组织(IMF)财政事务部门主管维托尔•加斯帕(Vitor Gaspar)表示:“大部分增长似乎确实与其他因素有关。”

    Growth was also helped by businesses and individuals having easier access to credit as banks continued rebuilding their balance sheets. In the eurozone, the European Central Bank expanded quantitative easing and business confidence increased, which helped boost private investment. An increase in commodity prices helped ease pressure on countries that rely on production of those goods.


    There was broad agreement in 2008 and into 2009 that borrowing should be allowed to rise to cushion the impact of the financial crisis. But by 2010, with growth returning, policymakers were keen that it should be scaled back to reassure markets that government debt would not get out of hand, and so head off a sharp rise in borrowing costs.


    Many economists agreed, but their views have since shifted. “We’ve learned over the past 10 years that fiscal policy can have pretty powerful effects in deep recessions when central banks have hit very low policy interest rates,” says Alan Auerbach, professor of economics at Berkeley. “We’ve also learnt, at least from the experience in the UK and the US, that we would have benefited from . . . turning less immediately to measures aimed at deficit reduction.”

    很多经济学家当时认同这种观点,但此后他们的观点发生了变化。“过去10年,我们领悟到,财政政策在严重衰退、央行已把政策利率降至极低水平的时期可能产生非常强有力的效果,”加州大学伯克利分校经济学教授艾伦•奥尔巴赫(Alan Auerbach)表示,“我们还认识到,至少从英国和美国的经验来看,我们将受益于……不那么急切地转向旨在减少赤字的措施。”

    The evolution of thinking on fiscal policy has been less radical than the soul-searching among monetary policymakers, who are reassessing the models they use to inform interest rate setting.


    However, the period since the financial crisis has been unusual in three main ways that have affected some economists’ views on when and how to use fiscal policy. The effects of the crisis have lasted much longer than after previous downturns; many monetary policymakers believe they are close to the limits of their policy toolboxes; and the interest rates on debt issued by many governments, including long-term debt, remain extremely low despite a big rise in debt levels.


    Under these circumstances, there is a strong case for loosening fiscal policy and borrowing more. This is especially true for policies that put money directly into the hands of people who will spend it quickly and counteract sluggish demand, and for investments that have long-term benefits.


    “Economies do not self-stabilise,” said Olivier Blanchard, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, reflecting at a conference on macroeconomic policy, on lessons of the financial crisis for monetary and fiscal policy.

    彼得森国际经济研究所(Peterson Institute for International Economics)高级研究员奥利维尔•布兰查德(Olivier Blanchard)在一次有关宏观经济政策的会议上谈到金融危机给货币和财政政策带来的教训时表示:“经济不会自我稳定。”

    But politicians and advisers in the developed world still emphasise reining in government deficits and cutting debt, particularly if there appears to be little spare capacity in the economy.


    “Markets can ignore or underweight risks, including fiscal risks, for long periods,” said Robert Rubin, former US Treasury Secretary at the Peterson Institute conference. “Until they don’t — and then the reaction can be rapid and savage.”

    “市场可能会长时期地忽视或低估各种风险,包括财政风险,”美国前财长罗伯特•鲁宾(Robert Rubin)在彼得森国际经济研究所的会议上表示,“但有朝一日他们可能突然清醒过来,接下来的反应可能迅速而剧烈。”

    As for the low level of interest rates charged on the debt issued by many major economy governments since 2008, policymakers say they cannot rely on this being repeated.


    Eswar Prasad, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution think-tank, is sympathetic to policymakers’ concerns about abrupt market reactions. But he hopes that in the next recession, “governments would test markets a little more . . . instead of letting a desire for fiscal virtue get in the way”.

    智库布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)高级研究员埃斯瓦尔•普拉萨德(Eswar Prasad)认同政策制定者对于市场突然做出反应的担忧。但他希望在下一次衰退中,“政府会更多地试探一下市场……而不是被严守财政纪律的愿望绑住手脚”。

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