While warmly received by Seoul, the development has the potential to complicate Washington’s efforts to impose “maximum pressure” on Pyongyang over its increasingly sophisticated weapons programmes.
Representatives from Seoul and Pyongyang met on Tuesday for the first time in two years after Kim Jong Un, North Korea’s supreme leader, days earlier expressed interest in his nation’s participation in the global sporting event.
周二,韩朝代表举行了两年来的首次会谈。数天前,朝鲜最高领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)表达了对朝鲜参与这一全球体育盛事的兴趣。
The meeting in Panmunjom followed months of tension in the region as US President Donald Trump squared off with Mr Kim over the reclusive regime’s development of ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons.
在此次板门店会谈举行前,该地区的紧张局势已持续数月,美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)围绕与世隔绝的朝鲜政权的弹道导弹及核武开发与金正恩摆开了对阵架势。
After initial talks in the morning, Pyongyang said it would send a team, including a performing arts squad, to next month’s games in Pyeongchang, South Korea.
Seoul, meanwhile, extended an offer for the two sides to jointly walk in at the games’ opening and closing ceremonies, although it is unclear how Pyongyang responded.
South Korean President Moon Jae-in has long been hopeful that the North’s participation in the event can pave the way for peace in a region rattled by tensions.
韩国总统文在寅(Moon Jae-in)长期以来一直希望,朝鲜参加本届冬奥会可为这个因紧张局势而陷入不安的地区实现和平铺平道路。
Mr Trump said he supported the talks “100 per cent”, although some believe the thaw between the two Koreas could undermine his attempts to convince the North to denuclearise.
Some analysts also argue that allowing North Korea to participate would legitimise its regime and that apartheid-era South Africa was banned from the games for less egregious human rights abuses.
Lindsey Graham, a US senator from South Carolina, earlier said that he believed America would boycott the games if North Korea participated.
早些时候,美国南卡罗来纳州参议员林赛•格雷厄姆(Lindsey Graham)表示,他相信如果朝鲜参赛,美国将会抵制此次奥运会。
During the talks on Tuesday, Seoul raised the prospect of reuniting families separated by the 1950-1953 Korean war as well as military talks to ease tensions along the heavily-fortified border between the two countries.
Seoul last year made similar overtures to Pyongyang that were ignored.
“We also raised the need to end acts that can escalate tensions on the Korean peninsula and to resume dialogue to bring peace ... such as denuclearisation,” said Chun Hae-sung, South Korea’s vice minister for unification.
“我们还提出有必要终止可导致朝鲜半岛紧张局势升级的行为、重启对话促成和平……比如实现无核化,”韩国统一部副部长千海成(Chun Hae-sung)说。
The comments offer an indication of Seoul’s broader ambitions for the talks, which are primarily focused on the North’s participation in the games.
Mr Chun said the North Korean delegation listened to Seoul’s request for talks aimed at denuclearisation and said they made no specific comments about international sanctions.
Korea experts have warned that Pyongyang may attempt to trade its participation in the Olympics for a relaxation of international sanctions.
Mr Trump earlier said he would “love to see them take [talks] beyond the Olympics”, adding that the US would get involved “at the appropriate time”.