Bill Gross, the long-time fixed income investor, said that a “bond bear market [was] confirmed today”, after yields on the 10-year note rose by 7 basis points.
长期的固定收益投资者比尔•格罗斯(Bill Gross)表示,10年期美国国债收益率上升7个基点后,“债券熊市今日已得到确认”。
Meanwhile, Jeffrey Gundlach, the founder of DoubleLine Capital, declared that central bank policy was shifting to an “era of quantitative tightening”, following the Bank of Japan’s decision to trim its purchases of long-dated Japanese government debt.
与此同时,Doubleline Capital创始人杰弗里•冈拉克(Jeffrey Gundlach)宣称,央行政策正转向“量化紧缩时代”。此前,日本央行(BoJ)决定减少购买长期日本国债。
Yields on the 10-year Treasury have climbed in five of the past six trading days as inflation expectations have risen, and the yield settled on Tuesday at its highest since last March. The BoJ decision spurred the latest sell-off, investors and strategists said.
The move by the BoJ has also added to the sense that 2018 will become an inflection point in the post-crisis era of ultra-accommodative monetary policy, and government bond yields rose across the world.
The 10-year Treasury ended the day at 2.55 per cent. The 10-year UK Gilt yield climbed 5bp to 1.28 per cent and the equivalent German Bund yield rose 4bp to 0.46 per cent.
The Fed plans to lift interest rates three times this year and has started to reduce the size of its crisis-bloated balance sheet, while the European Central Bank is expected to end its own QE programme later this year.