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    North Korea’s offer to participate in the upcoming Winter Olympics in South Korea has lowered tensions and laid a tentative foundation for a detente on the divided peninsula.


    But it has also raised a problem: how will the south accommodate, transport and monitor a delegation of Pyongyang’s most loyal supporters, numbering as many as 500?


    Amid the brightening outlook for north-south relations — the two nations on Tuesday held their first face-to-face talks in more than two years — there are tricky logistical arrangements to pin down, with Seoul having to be careful not to violate international sanctions on Kim Jong Un’s regime.

    朝韩两国上周二举行了两年多来首次面对面会谈,在南北关系逐渐光明的前景下,首尔方面必须在小心不违反对金正恩(Kim Jong Un)政权的国际制裁的前提下,做出一些棘手的后勤安排。

    “I’m worried that this was decided so suddenly with little time for preparation in terms of accommodation and security,” said Ryu Se-yeoung, head of Allami Korea, the security group hired by Olympics sponsors.

    奥运会赞助商聘请的安保集团Allami Korea的负责人Ryu Se-yeoung表示:“我担心这个决定太过突然,没有多少时间为住宿和安保做好准备。

    “Given North Korea’s peculiarity . . . you cannot treat the delegation the same way as others. You need separate accommodation facilities for them and I wonder how we can accommodate so many North Koreans in one place.”


    He also noted the issue of finding security to protect the delegation of supporters, who are potentially at risk from South Korean fringe groups.


    Lee Nak-yon, South Korea’s prime minister, has said as many as 500 North Koreans could attend the games that begin next month in Pyeongchang. The team will be composed of athletes, officials and even a celebrated cheerleading squad, although analysts in Seoul suspect the size of the group implied a large number of minders to prevent defections.

    韩国总理李洛渊(Lee Nak-yon)表示,可能会有多达500名朝鲜人参加下月在平昌举行的冬奥会。这支代表团将由运动员、官员、甚至还有一支著名啦啦队组成,尽管首尔方面的分析人士认为这么大的代表团规模意味着其中会有大量防止叛逃的看管人员。

    Two years ago Jong Yol-ri, an 18-year-old maths prodigy, defected while attending an Olympiad in Hong Kong. “If many people come, they’ll watch each other and have them be responsible for each other,” said a North Korean defector.

    两年前,18岁的数学天才Jong Yol-ri在香港参加奥数竞赛时叛逃。一名脱北者表示:“如果来的人很多,他们就会互相监视,彼此负责。”

    The possibility of Pyongyang’s participation has helped to boost Olympic ticket sales thanks to a feelgood factor and easing concerns about possible provocations. Some 65 per cent of seats have already been sold, up from just 30 per cent two months ago.


    Two North Korean figure skaters have qualified for the games, while sports officials are mulling giving wildcard spots to other athletes from the impoverished nation. 两名朝鲜花样滑冰运动员已有资格参加本届冬奥会,体育官员们正在考虑为其他来自这个贫穷国家的运动员发放外卡。

    Yet how the team travels to Pyeongchang has yet to be agreed. The land route across the demilitarised zone would require detailed military planning, while air and sea routes are off-limits due to international sanctions.


    Under the current regime, ships departing North Korea cannot drop anchor in South Korea, while the national carrier Air Koryo would be forbidden from landing in Seoul.

    按照当前的规定,从朝鲜驶离的船只不能在韩国抛锚,而朝鲜国家航空公司高丽航空(Air Koryo)的航班被禁止在首尔着陆。

    This could complicate a proposal by Choi Moon-soon, governor of the province where the Olympics will be held, to send a cruise ship to collect the North Korean delegation and then accommodate them offshore throughout the games.

    这将导致冬奥会举办地江原道的知事崔文洵(Choi Moon-soon)的建议复杂化,他提议派一艘大型邮轮接朝鲜代表团,然后在整个冬奥会期间将他们安置在海上。

    There is also the issue of what assistance can be offered to the North Koreans.


    South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in has pledged financial support to help athletes from the north attend the games. He believes the event can promote peace in a region rattled by tensions over the north’s testing of ballistic missiles and the warlike rhetoric of the US.

    韩国总统文在寅(Moon Jae-in)已承诺提供资金支持,帮助朝鲜运动员参加本届冬奥会。他相信,此次赛事可以推动地区和平。此前,朝鲜弹道导弹试射和美国的好战言论加剧了地区紧张局势。

    But his administration must be scrupulous in what they offer: athletics products from US manufacturers, such as Nike, would likely violate sanctions.


    “The government might have anticipated the north’s participation in the Olympics last year, but not with this size,” said Park Jin-kyung, a professor of sports at Catholic Kwandong University. “They may find it difficult to . . . meet the north’s demands.”

    “政府去年可能已经预料到朝鲜会参加这届冬奥会,但没预料到会有这样的规模,”加图立关东大学(Catholic Kwandong University)体育学教授Park Jin-kyung说,“他们也许会发现很难……满足朝鲜方面的要求。”

    Additional reporting by Kang Buseong Kang Buseong补充报道

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