China’s supreme court gave permission to five online auction platforms to host the sales of assets seized by local courts, including shares, starting in late 2016.
Since then auctions for bank shares have exploded on sites such as Taobao, Alibaba’s eBay-like online shopping site., another ecommerce site, also hosts the auctions.
Experts following the situation say the increasingly large sales in China’s deposit-taking institutions fall within a regulatory grey area and lack clear guidance on how the assets are priced or investors protected.
“You wouldn’t see this phenomenon in developed markets,” said Liao Qiang, S&P Global Ratings’ senior director of financial institutions. “From the stock market point of view, there are concerns: transparency is one thing. Pricing and fairness is another one.”
“你不会在发达市场看到这种现象,”标普全球评级(S&P Global Ratings)的金融机构高级总监廖强表示。“从股市的角度看,有一些地方令人担忧:一个是透明度;另一个是定价和公平。”
On Taobao, the value of shares in banks, insurers and other licensed lenders put up for sale by local courts hit Rmb2.07bn in December, more than double the amount offered in the same month a year earlier, according to a compilation of hundreds of auctions by the Financial Times.
Taobao’s court auction site is a wilderness of online transactions where everything from huge chunks of jade to fireworks factories find bidders.
In addition to portfolios of bad debt, in recent months two Boeing jets and an unfinished skyscraper also have gone up for sale on the site. For bidders with less expensive tastes, there is an array of seized Chinese calligraphy and classic works of art starting at just Rmb700 each.
The financial shares on offer range from stock in some of China’s smallest rural lenders, and guarantee companies to regional insurance groups and larger banks listed on the Hong Kong or Shanghai stock exchanges, such as Zhongyuan Bank.
Shares in Zhongyuan Bank, which raised about $1bn in a Hong Kong initial public offering in July, have been offered in more than 300 auctions on Taobao. One January sale of 6.2m shares in the bank originally priced the shares at about Rmb1.44 per share, roughly a 38 per cent discount to its trading price in Hong Kong on Thursday.
The web page hosting the sale has a one-page asset appraisal but lacks details on how the shares were priced. Many sales do not have such appraisal documents.
Online sales of financial assets, including those on Taobao, have proliferated across a number of loosely regulated platforms in recent years in China, said Chi Lo, senior economist at BNP Paribas Asset Management.
法国巴黎资产管理公司(BNP Paribas Asset Management)资深经济学家罗念慈(Chi Lo)介绍说,在线销售金融资产(包括在淘宝网上的那些拍卖)近年来在中国一些监管松散的平台上大幅增多。
“These are financial innovations that make Beijing uncomfortable,” he said, adding that the securities regulator did not have direct oversight of the auctions. “From the investor perspective, there are risks involved because these are unregulated sales.”
Taobao declined to comment on the auction platform. However, its website lists clear rules for how the shares are put up for sale and notes all sales are under the jurisdiction of China’s supreme court.