Netflix broke the story in Dirty Money, a documentary aired last week. Since then, the companies have rushed to apologise. They have sought to distance themselves “in the strictest terms” (Daimler); expressed regret that they “hit the brake too late” (BMW); and have accepted blame for actions that were “wrong, unethical and repulsive” (VW).
Netflix不久前推出的一部名为《Dirty Money(肮脏的金钱)》的纪录片曝光了该实验。自那以来,上述几家公司纷纷出来道歉。他们试图以“最严厉的措辞”与此事划清界限(戴姆勒);对“踩刹车太迟”表示遗憾(宝马);愿为“错误、不道德和令人厌恶”的行为接受谴责(大众)。
And rightly so. But the scandal represents much more than primates being exposed to exhaust fumes. It reveals just how quickly the strength of German car manufacturers can become a fatal weakness. Where was the debate over the ethics? Or an effective compliance team? And, more fundamentally, where was any sense of historical awareness?
German engineers have always sought technical excellence. But for a decade, at least, this has come at the expense of the ethical dimension. These latest revelations are only the most recent scandal: two years ago, VW admitted installing software in its cars that artificially lowered nitrogen oxides levels during testing.
Yet despite the current global outcry, only one person at Daimler has so far been suspended, while Thomas Steg, VW’s chief lobbyist, has fallen on his sword.
然而,尽管目前全球都在抗议,戴姆勒只停了一人的职——大众首席游说专家托马斯•施特格(Thomas Steg)主动要求停职。
This is not enough. The car manufacturers must do much more if they are to regain public trust. First, it does not help to claim that the animal experiments took place before the diesel emissions scandal became public. Although the car companies had known about the experiments for years, they remained silent. No internal investigations have been launched, nor has EUGT — the diesel lobbying organisation funded by VW, Daimler and BMW that commissioned the research — come under the spotlight. To hope that nobody would notice is not only naive; it contradicts the principles of compliance that carmakers had agreed to follow in the wake of the diesel scandal.
Second, there is the scientific dimension. According to international ethical standards, animal and human experiments are only acceptable if scientific progress cannot be achieved otherwise. The more sophisticated the animal, the stricter the standards.
Experiments on monkeys are rarely allowed today — and then mostly in the pharmaceutical industry and only for the benefit of human health. Under the rules, it is ethically questionable to attempt to test for the opposite — examining how much less damage is caused to human or primate lungs when new technology is used.
A test series could be acceptable, but only if the parameters are set correctly. But this was not the case. Emissions were tested with a manipulated exhaust system, a fact that was concealed from researchers. Compare this with a second series of experiments at the University of Aachen, also financed by EUGT, during which people were exposed to low concentrations of nitrogen dioxide. This was approved by the university’s ethics committee, but in retrospect also looks questionable.
一个试验系列可以被接受,但前提是参数设置正确。但事实并非如此。尾气是通过一个被做了手脚的排放系统进行测试的,研究人员当时不知道这一事实。此外还有同样由EUGT资助的亚琛工业大学(University of Aachen)的另一系列实验——人类志愿者被暴露在低浓度的二氧化氮中。这项实验到了该大学的伦理委员会的批准,但回过头来看它也是站不住脚的。
Finally, it is hard to believe that nobody rang the alarm when the experiments were proposed — especially at VW, which was founded 80 years ago by the German Labour Front under the Third Reich and has always claimed to be sensitive to its history.
最后,令人难以置信的是,没有人在这些实验获提议时感到不妥并提出异议——尤其是大众汽车,这家80年前由“德国劳工阵线”(German Labour Front)在第三帝国(Third Reich)时期创建的汽车制造商一直声称对自身历史很敏感。
This is the most worrying part of the debacle. It is not only an example of engineers being misled and a comprehensive failure of management. The scandal is also evidence of the moral degradation of Germany’s corporate elite.
The writer is the author of ‘Regierung ohne Volk’
本文作者著有《Regierung ohne Volk(没有人民的政府)》一书。