如果杰米•戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)执行他最近宣布的计划,继续担任摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)董事长兼首席执行官至2023年,那他将执掌摩根大通帅印17年。这与1871年创立该行的约翰•皮尔庞特•摩根(John Pierpont Morgan)近半个世纪的掌舵相比,仍是小巫见大巫。但在当今这个时代,这已超出公平范畴。
To fend off criticism that he has no clear succession plan in place, Mr Dimon has promoted Gordon Smith and Daniel Pinto to the new roles of co-president and co-chief operating officer, inviting the assumption that one of them will take over from him. The five-year timeframe also appears designed to scotch rumours Mr Dimon could stand as a Democrat candidate for US president in 2020.
为化解外界对于他没有明确接班计划的批评,戴蒙同时提拔了戈登•史密斯(Gordon Smith)和丹尼尔•平托(Daniel Pinto)出任联席总裁和联席首席运营官,引发外界猜测其中一人将成为他的接班人。五年的时间框架似乎也意在戳穿关于戴蒙将成为民主党的2020年美国总统候选人的传言。
But on both counts, the mercurial Mr Dimon could yet surprise.
Succession planning has been an on-off topic for Wall Street’s longest-serving chief for years. He has sometimes elevated top performers, only to cut them down or ease them out soon afterwards. Dig out a copy of Fortune magazine from September 2008 and you will see the JPMorgan boss on the cover, flanked by the seven star bankers who had helped the group come through the financial crisis in better shape than any rival.
Several of them — and others besides — were cited along the way as potential future chief executives. Today only one (the newly promoted Mr Smith) is still at the bank. Critics of Mr Dimon would say he has clung on to power and ruthlessly disposed of any rising star who might threaten his position prematurely. Acolytes would prefer to cast him as the football manager who only now has his optimum team.
What, then, should we make of the elevation of consumer boss Mr Smith and investment bank chief Mr Pinto to a rank that explicitly positions them as likely successors to the entrenched Mr Dimon? They might indeed fulfil that destiny if Mr Dimon’s five-year plan does not work out. But if it does, they would be in their sixties — not an age, surely, to start out as a bank CEO.
Instead, those close to Mr Dimon believe he will spend the next few years grooming two or three alternative successors. Marianne Lake, the highly regarded finance chief, is probably the favourite, and is expected to be given management of an operating unit, such as the investment bank, in preparation. If Ms Lake were to wind up as chief executive, she would be Wall Street’s first female CEO — creating just the kind of legacy that a moderniser such as Mr Dimon would like to leave.
相反,接近戴蒙的人士认为,他将利用接下来几年时间培养两、三名候选继任者。备受尊敬的财务总监玛丽安•雷克(Marianne Lake)可能是他最钟意的人选,预计将被派去管理一个运营部门(比如投行部门)让她获得锻炼。如果雷克最终成为首席执行官,她将成为华尔街首位女性首席执行官——这正是戴蒙这样的现代主义者希望留下的那种遗产。
So much for the succession plan. What of the five-year time span before it is enacted? Investors clearly like the idea of Mr Dimon staying around. JPMorgan’s shares have outperformed those of all its Wall Street peers over the 12 years he has been in charge. Profits last year, measured by the bank’s 12 per cent return on tangible equity, surpassed rivals’ too. Colleagues past and present enthuse about his leadership prowess, especially in times of crisis.
And yet, however impressive the individual, long tenures can create big headaches. The need for potentially destabilising purges, as layers of frustrated senior managers pile up at the top of the organisation, is just one problem. Longstanding bosses, particularly successful ones, can spill over from confident and capable into arrogant and disengaged. There was more than a hint of that six years ago when the London Whale trading scandal generated a $6.2bn loss. More recently, he has appeared distracted, spending significant time on his work at the Business Roundtable lobby group in Washington.
然而,无论个人能力多么令人印象深刻,长期占据最高职位都会带来巨大麻烦。随着组织高层堆叠一层又一层怀才不遇的高层管理人员,需要进行潜在破坏稳定的清洗,这是问题之一。长期在位的老板(尤其是那些成功的老板)会由自信和能干变得傲慢、不接地气。六年前的“伦敦鲸”(London Whale)交易丑闻致使摩根大通亏损62亿美元时,就已显露出一些这方面的迹象。最近,他似乎有些分心,在华盛顿游说组织——商业圆桌会议(Business Roundtable)的工作上花了大量时间。
For all that, Mr Dimon enjoys the support of the board — thanks in part to his impressive record but also to the quirks of the bank’s corporate governance. Mr Dimon is chairman as well as chief executive. And Lee Raymond, the former ExxonMobil chief executive who is the board’s “lead director” — and the closest thing Mr Dimon has to a boss — has himself been on the board for 31 years.
尽管如此,戴蒙还是得到了董事会的支持——这在一定程度上要归功于他令人印象深刻的业绩,同时也得益于该行奇特的公司治理结构。戴蒙既是首席执行官,也是董事长。而摩根大通董事会的“首席董事”、埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)前董事长李•雷蒙德(Lee Raymond)本人占据董事会席位已有31年。
Overstaying is a common error — as demonstrated by JPMorgan adviser Tony Blair who spent a decade as UK prime minister, or by Jeff Immelt at General Electric, which is unravelling only months after the end of his 16-year stint in charge.
在位过久是一个常见错误——正如摩根大通顾问、担任英国首相10年的托尼•布莱尔(Tony Blair)或通用电气(General Electric)的杰夫•伊梅尔特(Jeff Immelt)所展示的那样。在伊梅尔特结束16年掌权仅几个月后,通用电气就走上分拆的道路。
Then again, perhaps Mr Dimon is genuinely in that rare category of leaders, many of them company founders, who evolve with their business and prove exceptional corporate guardians — individuals such as Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway (53 years at the helm) or Jeff Bezos at Amazon (23 years). Was it a coincidence that the day after JPMorgan’s succession announcement, the bank unveiled a not-for-profit healthcare collaboration with Berkshire Hathaway and Amazon?
话说回来,或许戴蒙真的属于那类罕见的领导者,他们中的许多人是企业创始人,他们与企业一起与时俱进,证明自己是杰出的企业守护者——比如掌舵伯克希尔哈撒韦(Berkshire Hathaway) 53年的沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)或掌舵亚马逊(Amazon) 23年的杰夫•贝索斯(Jeff Bezos)。在摩根大通宣布接班计划后的第二天,该行公布了与伯克希尔哈撒韦和亚马逊的一项非营利医疗合作计划,这是巧合吗?
Improving healthcare, along with tightening gun control and supporting immigration are among the big issues that Mr Dimon cares deeply about — fuelling the theory that he could yet have a shot at the presidency. It is an idea that his spokesman has refuted, on the grounds that in politics he would not have the executive power to implement the change he seeks.
For this ardent patriot, perhaps the only thing big enough to distract him from his attachment to JPMorgan is his love of America.
patrick.jenkins@ft.com 译者/何黎