朝鲜最高领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)的妹妹本周将出席韩国冬奥会(Winter Olympics)开幕式。
The South's unification ministry said Kim Yo Jong would come as part of a high-level delegation to the games in Pyeongchang.
韩国统一部表示,金与正(Kim Yo Jong)将作为朝鲜派出的高级别代表团的成员出席平昌(Pyeongchang)冬奥会。
The participation of Ms Kim – who is a close adviser to her brother – will bolster hopes in Seoul that the Olympics can be used to defuse tensions on the peninsula and usher in a period of diplomatic engagement.
Also attending will be Ri Son Gwon, chairman of the agency that oversees inter-Korean relations, the ministry said.
韩国统一部表示,朝鲜负责朝韩关系的祖国和平统一委员会(Committee for Peaceful Reunification)的委员长李善权(Ri Son Gwon)也将出席本届冬奥会。