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    Britain has outlined plans to sail a warship through contested Asian waters next month in a mission aimed at asserting maritime freedom of navigation rights at a time of tension between China and the US.


    The naval operation in the South China Sea will be conducted by HMS Sutherland, an anti-submarine frigate that is en route to Australia, Gavin Williamson, UK defence secretary, said on Tuesday during a visit to Sydney.

    英国国防大臣加文•威廉森(Gavin Williamson)周二在访问悉尼时表示,英国海军在南中国海的这次行动将由反潜护卫舰“萨瑟兰号”(HMS Sutherland)实施,该舰目前正驶向澳大利亚。

    “She’ll be sailing through the South China Sea [on the way home] and making it clear our navy has a right to do that,” said Mr Williamson.


    Asked about Mr Williamson’s statement, China’s foreign ministry said that there was “no problem of freedom of navigation or overflight in the South China Sea. The situation there is also improving. We hope that non-regional countries can respect the efforts made by regional ones.”


    In an interview published in The Australian newspaper, Mr Williamson said it was important for Britain, the US, Australia and other countries to “assert our values” in the South China Sea — a vital trade route and lucrative fishing area that Beijing claims as its own territorial waters.

    《澳大利亚人报》(The Australian)发表了其对威廉森的采访。威廉森在采访中表示,英国、美国、澳大利亚和其他国家在南中国海“宣示我们的价值观”具有重要意义。南中国海是一条重要的贸易航道,也是利润丰厚的渔区,北京方面主张南中国海主权属于中国。

    He did not clarify whether HMS Sutherland would sail within 12 nautical miles of disputed territory or artificial islands built by China — an activity practised by US warships that has angered Beijing. But Mr Williamson said Britain “absolutely supported” the US approach on freedom of navigation and its actions in the South China Sea.


    “World dynamics are shifting so greatly. The US can only concentrate on so many things at once,’’ said Mr Williamson. “The US is looking for other countries to do more. This is a great opportunity for the UK and Australia to do more, to exercise leadership.”


    The UK operation in the South China Sea follows a US freedom of navigation mission last month within 12 nautical miles of Scarborough Shoal, a rocky outcrop that has been the subject of a dispute between China and the Philippines.

    上月,美国在斯卡伯勒浅滩(Scarborough Shoal,中国称黄岩岛——译者注)12海里范围内执行了一次航行自由行动。斯卡伯勒浅滩是一处露出水面的岩礁,中国和菲律宾围绕该浅滩存在领土争端。

    Beijing reacted angrily to the US mission, warning the US military not to threaten peace and stability by conducting such operations.


    Euan Graham, analyst at Sydney’s Lowy Institute think-tank, said the planned UK operation in the South China Sea followed through with a UK commitment made last year to assert freedom of navigation rights in the region.

    悉尼智库洛伊研究所(Lowy Institute)的分析师尤安•格雷厄姆(Euan Graham)表示,英国所计划的在南中国海的行动,是要履行英国去年做出的在该地区宣示航行自由权的承诺。

    “This is not a show of force by the UK and I doubt they will sail within 12 nautical miles of Chinese defence installations on disputed islands in the region,” he said. “Rather it is an opportunity to show the flag, a marker of British sovereignty, which says it isn’t just the US undertaking these operations and upholding the rule of law.”


    Mr Williamson told Australia’s state broadcaster that there was a need for vigilance over “any form of malign intent” from China, as the country seeks to become a superpower.


    “Australia [and] Britain see China as a country of great opportunities, but we shouldn't be blind to the ambition that China has and we've got to defend our national security interests,” he said.


    Shen Dingli, professor of international relations at Fudan University in Shanghai, noted that while the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea allowed for naval ships of one country to pass peacefully through territorial waters of another country, “what Britain thinks of as peaceful, maybe China will not think of as peaceful”.

    上海复旦大学国际关系教授沈丁立指出,虽然《联合国海洋法公约》(UN Convention on the Law of the Sea)允许一个国家的海军舰只以和平方式穿越另一个国家的领海,但“英国认为的和平方式,或许中国不认为是和平的”。

    Shi Yinhong, an international relations professor at Renmin University in Beijing, said the US, Britain and Australia shared a common position on the South China Sea, which contrasted with China’s.


    “We can’t take this statement as a formal commitment but if it really happened then it would have a very bad influence on China-Britain relations,” he said. “China might take some retaliatory steps with regards to trade.”


    Mr Shi said that so far only the US has performed freedom of navigation operations) in the South China Sea, although there has been debate about whether the Australian navy would also get involved.


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