南非执政党非洲人国民大会(African National Congress,简称:非国大)命令现任南非总统雅各布•祖马(Jacob Zuma)辞职,这标志着祖马受丑闻困扰的统治的结束,并为党首西里尔•拉马福萨(Cyril Ramaphosa)掌权铺平了道路。
The party said Mr Zuma, who has resisted days of pressure to step aside, asked to remain in office for between three and six months, but ANC leaders rebuffed him due to the urgency of the need to restore the integrity of public institutions.
Ace Magashule, ANC secretary-general, suggested the party would now consider removing Mr Zuma through a no-confidence vote in parliament, a decision that risks exacerbating the power struggle in the ANC.
非国大秘书长埃斯•马加舒勒(Ace Magashule)提出,该党现在将考虑通过议会不信任投票罢免祖马,这一决定可能会加剧非国大内部的权斗。
“All necessary parliamentary processes that arise from this decision will now ensue,” he said, adding that the ANC had not yet officially proposed a no-confidence motion. Mr Magashule said Mr Zuma was being given “time and space to respond. We haven’t given him a deadline.”
The national executive committee took the decision to sack Mr Zuma after a marathon 13-hour meeting into the early hours of Tuesday that capped weeks of intrigue and political paralysis as the president defied pressure from party leaders to stand aside. His nine years in office have been plagued by corruption scandals, a stagnating economy and sliding support for the ANC.
经过了13个小时、一直开到周二凌晨的马拉松式会议,非国大全国执行委员会(National Executive Committee,NEC)决定罢黜祖马,为持续数周的勾心斗角和政治瘫痪局面(其间这位总统没有理会党领导层要求他靠边站的压力)画上了句号。祖马的9年任期一直受到腐败丑闻、经济停滞和非国大支持率滑坡的困扰。