A view of the press center for the first annual sessions of the 13th NPC and the 13th CPPCC in Beijing on Feb 27, 2018. [Photo/VCG]
The first annual sessions of the 13th National People's Congress (NPC) and the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), will open on March 5 and 3, respectively.
Reporters will be given more opportunities to interview NPC deputies and CPPCC National Committee members since there will be a passage reserved for them in the Great Hall of the People for the first time.
每年的全国两会期间,“部长通道(ministers' passage)”都是媒体记者集中关注的一个地方,部长们会在这里集中接受采访,回答记者提问。
今年全国两会首次开启的“代表通道(deputies' passage)”和“委员通道(CPPCC members' passage)”,将邀请各方面代表委员亮相,讲述代表委员心声,展现代表委员风采,展现中国两会的开放自信。