Pony Ma, chief executive of Tencent, the country’s most valuable listed company which owns WeChat, said the platform had hit the landmark figure during last month’s lunar new year festival. He made the remarks on the sidelines of the opening of China’s parliament yesterday, to which he is a delegate.
旗下拥有微信的中国市值最高的上市公司腾讯(Tencent)首席执行官马化腾(Pony Ma)表示,该平台在上月的农历新年期间突破了这一里程碑式的数字。作为全国人大代表,马化腾在昨日出席人大会议开幕式的间隙发表了上述言论。
Although Mr Ma referred to “users”, a company spokesperson clarified this meant “user accounts”, not individuals.
Tencent often refers to “MAUs” in its quarterly reports, a term that typically means monthly active users and is used by Silicon Valley companies to highlight their popularity and reach. But the Chinese company is referring to accounts rather than individuals. WeChat users sometimes register multiple accounts, for example, one for work and another for personal use.
The company reported annual growth in WeChat user accounts of 15.8 per cent last September.
Market research firm eMarketer has estimated that WeChat had 494.3m individual users across China last year.
The service dominates China’s app market. It is used as a social messaging app that has largely displaced work emails, but also as a platform for mobile payments, ecommerce, train bookings and blogs, as well as being host to a universe of other apps. Chinese users often jokingly call WeChat a public utility.
“Much of the growth in [accounts] is likely to have come from overseas, in south-east Asia, Europe and the US,” said Matthew Brennan, founder of WeChat-focused consultancy, China Channel.
专注于微信的咨询公司China Channel创始人马修•布伦南(Matthew Brennan)表示:“很大一部分(账户)增长很可能是来自海外,如东南亚、欧洲和美国。”
Chinese migrants abroad use it to keep in touch with those at home.
Retailers from outside the country are also starting to use it to sell directly to Chinese consumers: the EU’s SME centre recently launched a service to help small businesses create WeChat online shops.
However, growth in WeChat use overseas is limited by the popularity of existing platforms outside China such as WhatsApp. The Facebook-owned messaging service says it reached 1.3bn MAUs globally last July.
The possibility of any censorship and privacy violations on WeChat has also made foreign users uneasy to use the platform.
Additional reporting by Yizhen Jia 贾一真补充报道