As is often the case with the ECB, the important policy shift was couched in a minor change in wording in its postgoverning council meeting statement yesterday, where it took out a vow to intervene more aggressively in bond markets should growth disappoint.
But the change in its “easing bias” marked one of the final steps Mario Draghi, ECB president, must go through before winding up a programme launched three years ago as the eurozone struggled to recover from its catastrophic debt crisis. It also comes amid a global effort by central banks to return to pre-crisis policymaking, a shift that has unnerved financial markets accustomed to years of massive emergency stimulus from the ECB, US Federal Reserve and Bank of Japan.
但是,“宽松偏向”的变化只是欧洲央行行长马里奥•德拉吉(Mario Draghi)在结束三年前启动的债券购买计划之前必须走完的最后几步之一;当初欧元区正竭力从灾难性的债务危机中恢复过来。同时,这一变化的背景是全球各大央行努力恢复危机前的政策制定,这种转变使金融市场紧张,因为市场已经习惯于欧洲央行、美联储(Federal Reserve)和日本央行(Bank of Japan)多年的大规模紧急刺激措施。
The prospect of an end to easy money helped spark last month’s stock market sell-off and Mr Draghi insisted at a press conference that the ECB’s overall policy stance remained supportive; it left its ultra-low interest rates unchanged and is buying €30bn in bonds every month — though that is down from €60bn a month last year.
The strength of the recovery meant situations in which the ECB would need to buy more bonds were “really unlikely contingencies now”, he said in explaining the change in language.
The bank’s move on easing bias indicates it is increasingly confident growth in the region can survive without its extraordinary support.
The confident tone initially sent the euro up 0.6 per cent against the dollar, hitting $1.2446, before it sold off later in the day, falling 0.8 per cent by the end of the European trading day to $1.231.
The ECB is expected to call time on buying new bonds under the €2.3tn programme this year, possibly in September though more likely in December. It is expected to maintain record-low interest rates until mid-2019.
In previous monetary policy statements, the ECB’s governing council had declared itself ready to increase the asset purchase programme “in terms of size and/or duration” in the event of an economic downturn or market turmoil. This language was omitted yesterday.