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    A scandal over the cut-price sale of public land has rocked Japan’s government after the finance ministry admitted falsifying documents to exclude the names of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his wife Akie.

    围绕低价出售公共土地的一起丑闻撼动了日本政府,此前财务省承认篡改文件,以去除首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)和他的妻子安倍昭恵(Akie Abe)的姓名。

    The finance ministry said it made 14 alterations in documents submitted to parliament relating to the sale of land in Osaka to Moritomo Gakuen, an ultra-nationalist school operator

    . 财务省表示,在提交给国会的相关文件上作了14处更改,这些文件涉及向极端民族主义的学校经营者森友学园(Moritomo Gakuen)出售大阪的一个地块。

    The revelations have left Taro Aso, finance minister, clinging to his job and threaten Mr Abe’s chances of winning a third term as leader of the Liberal Democratic party this autumn.

    这些爆料使财务大臣麻生太郎(Taro Aso)受到辞职压力,并危及安倍晋三今秋赢得自民党党魁第三个任期的机会。

    Alterations occurred between February and April last year and were made by “a group of staff in the financial bureau”, said Mr Aso. Mr Aso said he did not know about the alterations until Sunday and blamed the senior bureaucrat in charge. He refused to resign.


    “The person ultimately responsible is the head of the financial bureau at that time, [Nobuhisa] Sagawa,” he said. Mr Sagawa resigned as head of Japan’s tax agency on Friday.

    “最终负责人是时任理财局长的佐川宣寿(Nobuhisa Sagawa),”麻生太郎表示。佐川已在上周五辞去国税厅长官职务。

    Opposition leaders said Mr Aso’s explanation was “improbable”. Parliamentary investigators are likely to concentrate on discovering who ordered the alterations and why, with the apparent cover up now a bigger risk to the government than the original land sale.


    “This situation could shake confidence in all our public administration so I feel a keen responsibility,” said Mr Abe, vowing a thorough investigation. “I apologise to the public.”


    Moritomo Gakuen is controversial for its nationalist curriculum, aimed at instilling patriotism in small children, and its links to senior politicians in the ruling Liberal Democratic party.


    The scandal began last year when it emerged that Moritomo paid ¥134m for land with an appraisal value of ¥956m. Mrs Abe was going to be honorary principal of a new primary school on the site.


    Controversy died down when no evidence emerged tying Mr Abe to the sale. But the unedited documents show that bureaucrats involved in the sale were aware of the political backing for Moritomo.


    According to one reference excised by the finance ministry, Moritomo Gakuen described a visit by Mrs Abe, who allegedly said: “This is a good plot of land so please go ahead.” The documents also mention the names of several senior LDP politicians, including Mr Abe, as connections of the school operator.


    Mr Abe has always denied any involvement with the land sale. Analysts said there was no smoking gun to suggest national leaders had ordered the sale, but it will be hard to escape questions about why the finance ministry altered the documents.


    “It is difficult to believe that Mr Aso will be able to escape taking responsibility when his own ministry provided false information to the Diet,” said Tobias Harris, who follows Japan at Teneo Intelligence.

    “考虑到他自己的部门向国会提供了虚假信息,很难相信麻生太郎能够逃避责任,”特尼欧情报公司(Teneo Intelligence)追踪日本事态的托拜厄斯•哈里斯(Tobias Harris)表示。

    Mr Harris said the prime minister was not yet at risk of a hasty resignation, but the scandal would spur “Abe fatigue”, making it harder for him to secure another term as leader this autumn.


    Last Friday police reported the apparent suicide of a finance ministry official in Kobe. It is unclear whether the death is linked to the scandal, but the victim was reportedly a mid-level official in the department responsible for the land sale.


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