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    Donald Trump sacked Rex Tillerson as his secretary of state on Tuesday, making the US’s top diplomat the latest casualty of a White House that has been in near-constant, open conflict with some of the president’s most senior aides.

    唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)周二解除了雷克斯•蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)的国务卿职务,使这位美国最高外交官成为白宫的最新受害者。特朗普与他的一些最高级助手之间几乎不断而公开地发生冲突。

    Mr Trump immediately named Mike Pompeo, the CIA director, as Mr Tillerson’s replacement, swapping a soft-spoken former ExxonMobil chief executive with a former Republican congressman with a far more hawkish foreign policy record.

    特朗普同时提名中央情报局(CIA)局长迈克•蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)接替蒂勒森,也就是说,国务卿由说话温和的埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)前首席执行官换成一位在外交政策上鹰派色彩浓厚得多的共和党前众议员。

    “We got along actually quite well, but we disagreed on things,” Mr Trump said in an impromptu news conference on the White House lawn. “We were not really thinking the same; with Mike Pompeo, we have a very similar thought process . . . I think Rex will be much happier now.”


    The president has repeatedly clashed with Mr Tillerson over most major foreign policy issues, with Mr Tillerson urging a more diplomatic approach to Iran and North Korea than his bellicose boss.


    The ousting, which Mr Trump acknowledged was done without speaking directly to Mr Tillerson, also came just hours after the secretary of state outspokenly supported the British government’s case that Moscow was behind the poisoning of an ex-Russian spy — something the White House had failed to do.


    But administration officials said the removal of Mr Tillerson was prompted by the decision to hold direct talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, a move that Mr Trump made without consulting the secretary of state.

    但特朗普政府官员表示,解除蒂勒森职务是因总统决定与朝鲜领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)直接会谈而触发的;特朗普没有征求国务卿的意见就拍板举行美朝峰会。

    “The president wanted to make sure to have his new team in place in advance of the upcoming talks with North Korea and various ongoing trade negotiations,” a senior White House official said.


    Mr Tillerson said he would immediately delegate his responsibilities to his number two, John Sullivan, and step down permanently at the end of the month.

    蒂勒森表示,他会立即将自己的职责移交给国务院二号人物约翰•沙利文(John Sullivan),并在本月底永久卸任。

    “Nothing is possible without allies and partners,” he said in a speech that did not thank Mr Trump but instead underlined successes in several areas where the two had diverged, including North Korea and South Asian policy. He also questioned America’s future relations with China.


    Mr Tillerson’s departure adds to the churn at the highest ranks in the Trump administration, coming less than a week after Gary Cohn resigned as the president’s chief economic adviser after losing a battle over Mr Trump’s decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminium imports.

    蒂勒森的离职加剧了特朗普政府最高层的洗牌行动,不到一周前,加里•科恩(Gary Cohn)辞去总统首席经济顾问职务,因为他未能劝阻特朗普做出对钢铁和铝进口征收关税的决定。

    Although Mr Trump had openly contradicted Mr Tillerson on major foreign policy issues, the secretary of state was not unique; the president has urged the resignation of his attorney-general, Jeff Sessions, and both his interior and housing secretaries are battling with White House staff.

    尽管特朗普在重大外交政策问题上公开发表与蒂勒森抵触的言论,但国务卿的遭遇并非唯一;总统也曾敦促司法部长杰夫•塞申斯(Jeff Sessions)辞职,而内政部长和住房部长也都与白宫工作人员不和。

    The departure also came in a messy way that has come to characterise personnel moves in the Trump administration. The state department issued a statement saying that Mr Tillerson had “every intention of staying” in his post but was caught unawares by Mr Trump’s announcement, which came in a Twitter post.


    “The secretary did not speak to the president and is unaware of the reason,” said Steve Goldstein, undersecretary of state for public diplomacy, who had sought to boost Mr Tillerson’s public profile. Mr Goldstein was sacked later in the day.

    “国务卿未曾和总统交谈,也不知道原因,”美国国务院负责公共外交事务的副国务卿史蒂夫•戈德斯坦(Steve Goldstein)表示;此前他曾试图提升蒂勒森的公共形象。戈德斯坦当日晚些时候也被解职。

    The president said that, while the two men got along personally, he had several areas of disagreement with Mr Tillerson. “When you look at the Iran deal, I think it’s terrible, I guess he thought it was OK. I wanted to either break it or do something and he felt a little bit differently,” Mr Trump said.


    Mr Trump said he was confident that Mr Pompeo was “the right person for the job at this critical juncture”, adding that as secretary of state, he would strengthen alliances, confront adversaries and seek the de-nuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula.


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