西门子(Siemens)首席执行官乔•凯瑟尔(Joe Kaeser)表示,来自不同国家的企业应当被准许相互投资,因为这是一条“双行道”。
Asked to comment on the recent acquisition by Geely, Chinese automotive company, of a near 10 per cent stake in Daimler, the owner of Mercedes-Benz, Mr Kaeser said he backed “free and fair” business negotiations.
“There`s nothing wrong if China [buys] European or international assets and plays a role as many other companies have been doing all over the world,” said Mr Kaeser, who was in São Paulo for the World Economic Forum on Latin America. “I think there is one prerequisite, though, which should be non-negotiable and that`s the reciprocity of actions. So if any company, or any company of any country wants to do something in another country, that other country or company should be free to do the same thing in the other country.”
“如果中国像其他许多公司在世界各地所做的那样,(收购)欧洲或国际资产,那也没有什么错,”在圣保罗参加世界经济论坛拉美会议(World Economic Forum on Latin America)的凯瑟尔说,“不过,我认为存在一个应毫无商量余地的先决条件,那就是行动的互利互惠性。所以说,如果任何公司、或任何国家的任何公司想在另一个国家做某件事,那么后一个国家或该国的公司应该可以不受限制地在前一个国家做同样的事情。”
Asked if China was following this principle, he said: “Well … if they continue to be global and engage in global M&A, it should always be clear that this can only work if there is a road that goes two ways.”
On growing protection following the announcement of steel and aluminium tariffs by US President Donald Trump, Mr Kaeser said tariffs should only be applied if there was a problem with dumping or other uncompetitive practices.
在美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)宣布钢铝关税之后保护主义加剧的问题上,凯瑟尔表示,只有存在倾销或其他压制竞争行为的问题时,才应该使用关税手段。
“If it is only about the fact that you know local industries are not competitive because they lack productivity, efficiency or innovation, I believe that tariffs are the wrong way to go. So that’s why I believe we really need to go see what the root causes [are]. But you know just imposing tariffs to try to cover the lack of competitiveness sends a disturbing signal to the global world, which I believe has become a better world by globalisation and free and fair trade.