Facebook正受到越来越大的压力,要求其解释5000万用户被收集的数据是如何被用于谋取政治利益的。此前有说法称,数据公司剑桥分析(Cambridge Analytica)曾利用这些泄露的信息帮助唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)赢得美国总统大选。
Politicians on both sides of the Atlantic are calling on the social network to reveal more information on how Cambridge Analytica, which has close ties to Steve Bannon, Mr Trump’s former chief strategist, harvested data of US voters.
大西洋两岸的政界人士都在呼吁这家社交网络公司交代更多信息,说明与特朗普前首席策略师史蒂夫•班农(Steve Bannon)关系密切的剑桥分析,究竟是如何采集美国选民数据的。
British MP Damian Collins has asked Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive, to personally testify in an investigation into how the social network was also used in political campaigns including the Brexit referendum.
英国议员达米安•柯林斯(Damian Collins)已要求Facebook首席执行官马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)在一项调查中亲自作证——调查的目的在于弄清楚这家社交网络公司是如何也被用于政治宣传活动(包括英国退欧公投)的。
Mr Collins said it was time for Mr Zuckerberg to “stop hiding behind his Facebook page”.
Mr Collins yesterday accused Alexander Nix, Cambridge Analytica’s chief executive, of “deliberately misleading” a committee hearing last month when he told parliament that his firm did not use any Facebook data. Mr Nix told the FT at the weekend that he stood by his comments, despite a former employee turned whistleblower claiming he had evidence to the contrary.
昨日,柯林斯指控剑桥分析的首席执行官亚历山大•尼克斯(Alexander Nix)“蓄意误导”一个委员会的听证会,因为他在上月告诉议会,他的公司未曾使用Facebook的任何数据。尼克斯在周末告诉英国《金融时报》,他坚持自己的说法,尽管一名前雇员变成了告密者,称自己拥有相反的证据。
Mr Nix added: “We deleted our Facebook data at the time we were alerted to a possible contravention of Facebook data policies.” When asked why he did not disclose this to parliament he said: “They didn’t ask me that.”
Amy Klobuchar, a Democratic senator from Minnesota, said Mr Zuckerberg needed to testify before the Senate as it was “clear these platforms can’t police themselves”.
明尼苏达州民主党参议员埃米•克罗布彻(Amy Klobuchar)说,扎克伯格需要在参议院作证,因为“这些平台显然不能自我监督”。
So far only mid-level Facebook executives have defended the company since the revelations from Christopher Wylie, the Cambridge Analytica whistleblower, were published in the New York Times and the Observer at the weekend. The social network executives said it was not a data breach because it had not been hacked.
自剑桥分析的告密者克里斯托弗•怀利(Christopher Wylie)揭发的情况在周末被《纽约时报》(NYT)和《观察家报》(The Observer)刊登以来,迄今只有Facebook的中层高管为该公司进行辩护。这家社交网络公司的高管们表示,这并非数据泄露,因为该公司没有遭到黑客攻击。
The reports allege that Cambridge Analytica was passed data collected by Global Science Research using a psychological survey app for research. It used the data to create profiles on respondents and their friends, which were used for political targeting without consent.
相关报道称,剑桥分析获得了全球科学研究(Global Science Research)通过一款研究用途心理调查app收集的数据。剑桥分析利用这些数据创建了被调查者及其朋友们的档案,而这些档案在未征得同意的情况下被用于政治目标定向。
Facebook banned the data analytics company on Friday, three years after it first discovered it had broken its rules.