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    Telematics has shaken off early concerns that it would be used mainly by overzealous fleet managers or insurance companies. Instead, the technology, which allows for real-time, remote monitoring and control of vehicles and driver performance, has been embraced by the logistics industry.


    Its widespread use offers an alternative to a different sort of future in which highways operate like railways and users bid to access Road A during Time slot B for Price C.


    “Trucking companies say this is science fiction,” says Alan McKinnon, professor of logistics at the Kühne Logistics University in Hamburg. “But traffic is growing faster than we are able to build road space. Telematics would be key to avoiding such an extreme response.”

    汉堡物流与企业管理技术大学(KLU)的物流学教授艾伦•麦金农(Alan McKinnon)表示:“卡车货运公司说这是科幻小说。但交通增长速度超过了我们建造道路空间的能力。车载信息服务将是避免此类极端回应的关键。”

    That outcome would be partly down to the technology’s more narrow uses, such as promoting fuel-efficient, environmentally friendly driving. More significant, however, would be the use of telematics to tackle under-utilisation of assets, which is one of the biggest challenges for the highly fragmented road freight sector.


    Online exchanges that help match shipments with shipping space have existed for some time. Telematics, however, could significantly increase the usefulness of these tools, as individual trucks make real-time communications about their loads. As the internet of things advances, the goods themselves might take part in the conversation.


    “There’s a big prize there,” says Prof McKinnon. He puts the cost of under-utilisation in the European trucking industry alone in the hundreds of billions of euros per year.


    The EU’s alliance for logistics innovation has targeted 2050 for its vision of an efficient, interconnected logistics system that will operate as a “physical internet”, in which goods are shipped according to space available on shared resources — in much the same way that an email message travels from one continent to another via servers.


    Telematics would play an important role by feeding participating links in the chain with information about container space, for example, or arrival times, driver break schedules or the temperature of containers. The technology might also support new, more efficient ways of moving vehicles around, such as platooning, where strings of trucks follow one another at minimal distances, saving road space and fuel.


    On the one hand, such possibilities present big opportunities for telematics providers, the largest of which include: Canadian group AirIQ; MiX Telematics, based in South Africa; TomTom Telematics, whose headquarters are in the Netherlands; and US-based Verizon’s Fleetmatics. On the other, the industry is ripe for disruption, says Frederic Bruneteau at Ptolemus, a consultancy focused on mobility and communication.

    专注于移动性和通信的咨询公司Ptolemus的菲德烈•布吕内托(Frederic Bruneteau)表示,一方面,此类可能性为车载信息服务提供商带来了巨大机遇,其中最大的企业包括:加拿大AirIQ集团、总部位于南非的MiX Telematics、总部位于荷兰的TomTom Telematics以及美国Verizon旗下的Fleetmatics。另一方面,颠覆该行业的时机已经成熟。

    One strategy for adding value is to expand the range of services. Fleet managers increasingly want more integrated data and will opt for the telematics tool that feeds them meaningful information not just about location or vehicle performance, but also about fuel levels, security checks and upcoming tolls.


    Ultimately, however, says Mr Bruneteau: “The real wish is that fleet managers . . . are simply alerted when they have to solve a problem — that they’re only told when there are critical events to deal with.”


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