“The Russian petrochemical industry is moving east and Russian energy is moving east,” Dmitry Konov, chairman of Sibur’s management board, said in an interview. “It is moving close to the Chinese border. This is where the energy goes and we follow it.”
“俄罗斯石化工业正在东移,俄罗斯的能源正在东移,”西布尔管理委员会主席德米特里•科诺夫(Dmitry Konov)在接受采访时说。“它正在向中国边境靠近。这是能源的流向,我们追随这个方向。”
Mutual suspicion has dogged relations between Russia and China, but a pivot by Moscow towards Beijing in recent years to offset the impact of US and EU sanctions has given fresh impetus to warming trade and investment ties between the countries.
The main co-operation envisaged is with Sinopec, the Chinese petrochemical company that bought a 10 per cent stake in Sibur in 2015 for $1.3bn.
设想中的主要合作项目的合作伙伴是中石化(Sinopec)。2015年,中石化以13亿美元收购了Sibur 10%的股份。
Mr Konov said demand from Sinopec was a big factor behind Sibur’s decision to build the Amur gas chemical plant near the border with China’s north-eastern province of Heilongjiang.
科诺夫表示,中石化的需求是西布尔决定在毗邻中国黑龙江省的地方建造阿穆尔河(Amur River,中国称为黑龙江——译者注)天然气化工厂的一个重要因素。
“Sinopec was looking for a Russian producer which was reasonably close to the Chinese market that can grow production of polymers [plastics] that are structurally short in China,” Mr Konov said, adding that the plastic resin produced would be sold elsewhere in east Asia as well as in China. 科诺夫表示:“中石化在寻找一家相当靠近中国市场的俄罗斯生产商,能够生产在中国处于结构性短缺的聚合物(塑料制品)。”他补充称,生产的塑料树脂除了对华出口外,还将行销东亚其他市场。
Building of the Amur complex, which is scheduled to come on stream in 2024 and will produce 1.5m tonnes of polyethylene a year, is due to start in 2020, Mr Konov said.
Sibur has previously declined to divulge the Amur investment, but Mr Konov said: “The investment will be around $6bn or $7bn.”
Sibur is one of Russia’s most profitable large companies with earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation of $2.8bn in 2017 on an ebitda margin of 35 per cent. It is owned primarily by shareholders with close links to Vladimir Putin, the Russian president.
西布尔是俄罗斯利润最丰厚的大公司之一,2017年的利息、税项、折旧及摊销前盈利(EBITDA)为28亿美元,EBITDA利润率为35%。该公司的几个主要股东与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)关系密切。
The company’s other Chinese partner is the state-owned Silk Road Fund, which bought a 10 per cent stake for an undisclosed amount in 2016.
西布尔的另一个中国合作伙伴是国有的丝路基金(Silk Road Fund),该基金在2016年收购该公司10%的股份,交易金额未对外披露。