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    As Argentina assumes the presidency of the G20 economies, we believe that three main priorities must be addressed: the future of work, infrastructure for development and a sustainable food future.


    The G20 finance ministers, who are meeting this week in Buenos Aires, plan to focus predominately on the first two. 本周将在布宜诺斯艾利斯开会的G20财长们计划集中讨论前两个议题。

    The future of work is perhaps the most important issue of the 21st century, with economic, social and political consequences for all countries, but particularly ones such as Argentina, that are seeking deeper integration and exchange with the world.


    The current wave of technological change is expected to bring economic benefits: new ways of doing business, new industries, better jobs and higher living standards. At the same time, transitions can be bumpy. Old industries and traditional jobs will probably come under threat.


    Making the new wave of technological breakthroughs as smooth and inclusive as possible requires investment in education, skills and training. We plan to focus the G20 discussions on a handful of key issues, with the aim of agreeing a menu of policy options we can draw upon as our individual circumstances unfold.


    As an important first step, we will measure the impact that rapid technological change has on productivity, growth, job creation and displacement, labour market polarisation, competition and the business environment, and, importantly, gender inequality and inequality between countries.


    The G20’s second area of focus is infrastructure for development.


    Everyone agrees that investment in transportation, basic sanitation, energy and digital connectivity enhances access and boosts growth and productivity. Yet, while there has been emphasis on infrastructure financing since the global financial crisis, private participation in infrastructure investment is in decline in many countries, especially in the developing world and in our region of Latin America and the Caribbean.


    Mobilising private capital towards investment in infrastructure is therefore a core aim of ours. The global gap between the infrastructure improvements that are planned and what will be needed by 2035 stands at $5.5tn, according to the consultancy McKinsey, while institutional investors are managing $80tn, much of it in assets that offer lower than hoped for yields.


    Developing the financial instruments that would catalyse infrastructure investment at large scale would potentially address both these issues at once.


    Our core ambition for the G20 is to begin a process of developing infrastructure into a new class of assets underpinned by standardised contracts, legal structures and conflict resolution mechanisms.


    A parallel can be seen in the standardisation of contracts for over-the-counter swaps and derivative transactions by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (Isda). Isda’s actions have lowered costs and complexities, widened the pool of investors, and dramatically increased the flow of capital into these vehicles.

    国际掉期及衍生工具协会(International Swaps and Derivatives Association,简称ISDA)对场外掉期和衍生品交易合约的标准化,可以为我们提供参考。ISDA的行动降低了成本,让交易变得不那么复杂,纳入了更多投资者,并大大增加了流入这些工具的资金。

    Our G20 finance track priorities are inspired by the group’s goal of achieving strong, sustainable, balanced, and inclusive growth and its values of consensus-based decision-making. We are conscious that our G20 presidency comes a decade on from the onset of the global financial crisis. The steps taken at that time by the G20 were critical in averting a global depression.

    G20实现强劲、可持续、平衡、普惠增长的目标及其基于共识做出决策的价值观,启发了我们制定的G20财金渠道(Finance Track)工作重点。我们意识到,我们在金融危机爆发十周年之际开始轮值G20主席国。G20当时采取的措施对防止一场全球经济萧条起到了至关重要的作用。

    We will continue our work on international taxation, international financial architecture, financial inclusion and financial regulation, to ensure that the system remains resilient and conducive to growth. These issues remain at the heart of the G20’s co-operative efforts.


    Overall, we plan to deliver a targeted and globally relevant agenda, one that shows our commitment to international co-operation, multilateralism and global governance, and one that builds consensus and promotes fairness and sustainability.


    The writer is the Treasury minister of Argentina.


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