中国科技公司一般都在开曼群岛注册,在纽约或香港上市。这种世界性身份并不受希望看到国内证券交易活跃的监管部门欢迎。近期一批科技公司闹哄哄地准备回归中国国内上市就是一个例证。回归以后,它们的股价也许会快速上涨,但是紧接着投资者可能遭遇治理结构混乱和价值陷阱(value trap)。
Cheerleaders for bourses such as those in Shenzhen and Shanghai are promoting issuance of Chinese depositary receipts (CDRs). These offer the most obvious way for bullish locals to invest in tech champions such as Alibaba and Tencent. A crackdown on high-yielding wealth management products has forced them to rebalance portfolios. But there is a lack of alternatives.
The CDRs would thus likely trade at a premium to underlying securities. The analogy, according to Morgan Stanley, are the American depositary receipts of Indian bank HDFC. These trade at a 15 per cent premium to shares with limited availability to keen foreign buyers. Likewise, A shares traded on Chinese exchanges have typically been worth 30 per cent more than H shares in the same groups listed in Hong Kong.
因此CDR的交易价可能会高于相应的基础证券。据摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)表示,印度银行HDFC的“美国存托凭证”(ADR)可以作为类比。由于外国买家兴趣浓厚而供应有限,该凭证比HDFC普通股溢价15%。同样,同一家企业在中国内地交易所挂牌的A股通常比在香港挂牌的H股贵出30%左右。
The first CDRs are expected to emerge this year. The impact will be unpredictable. Companies may issue new shares to cover CDRs sold to Chinese investors, diluting foreign holders. If treasury shares and overseas buybacks feature instead, related foreign securities may be unaffected or rise. Either way, foreign investors should assess how well or badly their limited governance rights compare with those conferred by the CDRs. Capital controls make it unlikely these will be easily interchangeable with US or HK-listed counterparts.
Any onshore valuation premium is likely to push up offshore prices, all the same. The biggest winners could be the banks that pitch a new “convergence trade”. Their clients should remember that a lot of money was lost on similar trades in A and H shares that remained separated by price as well as locale.
不管怎样,一旦在岸估值存在溢价,就可能带动离岸股价上涨。最大的赢家可能是那些推销新的“收敛交易”(convergence trade)的银行。他们的客户应该记住,已经有很多人因为押注A股和H股价格会趋同而亏了血本,到目前为止,A股和H股仍然分处两地也仍然存在价差。