(马德里,5月26日)——俄新社 一对新婚夫妇在西班牙比韦罗市 (加利西亚的卢戈省)的一家餐厅举办了婚礼,他们邀请了200人参加,可是当餐厅提供了帐单结账时,却没人买单。
The amount of debt was more than eight thousand euros, according to Spanish media.
Widely noted wedding in a restaurant decided Romanian gypsies, they made a pledge (1,5 thousand euros), provided documents, signed a contract and gave phones for communication.
Entertained guests famous Romanian singer Nicolae Guta, who arrived in Spain in a private plane, the bride was a chic dress embroidered with Swarovski crystals, guests were treated with cod and lamb chops and drank wine and whiskey.
婚礼当天,客人们欣赏了罗马尼亚著名歌手Nicolae Guta的表演,他是乘坐私人飞机抵达西班牙的。新娘穿着的是镶嵌着施华洛世奇水晶的时尚婚纱,招待客人的餐品是鳕鱼和羊排,喝的是红酒和威士忌。
When it was time to pay, the owners were told that the groom’s father, who must pay the bill, “is now unable to” and they will be paid later. However, the next day, none of the members of the family, despite all attempts, did not find, on the phone numbers left, no one answered. A few days later I managed to get in touch with the wife of the groom’s brother. The woman first reported that her husband was in an accident, and then that he went to Romania for money.
The owners of the restaurant turned to the police. The Gypsy family has been living in Vivero for a long time in the Romanian community, there is no information about sources of income or a registered place of residence with the police. Law enforcement agencies can not find newlyweds or close relatives yet, they do not exclude that the family went to Romania, and appealed to the authorities of this country for help.