Chris and Nina Cardinal found Chloe wandering the hallway after hearing a noise on the toddler's baby monitor last Friday.
"We were shocked! How was she able to get out of bed?" Chris told ABC News. "This is the first time she's ever made an escape like this. Did she grow?"
克里斯向ABC新闻透露:“我们很震惊! 她是怎么从床上爬下来的?这是她第一次像这样逃跑。她长大了吗?”
The parents told ABC she isn't usually able to get out of bed on her own due to a mesh guardthey put up, and she's too short to reach the bedroom doorknob.

Baffled by how Chloe had escaped on her own, Chris and Nina decided to investigate by checking the video footage from the Nest camera they have installed in their daughter's room.
The video revealed Chloe's two trusty sidekicks who helped with her great escape: Colby and Bleu, the family's golden retrievers.
Colby and Bleu can be seen opening the toddler's door and coming into her room around 6 a.m. The pups then go over to Chloe's bed, one jumping up on it, as they sniff and nudge her until she wakes up.
One of the dogs grabs Chloe's stuffed duck and runs out. The dogs then go in and out of her room a couple times, pestering Chloe and licking her until she finally hops off the bed and runs out the door.