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    KALLSTADT, Germany — Herbert Trump did not want to talk about it. Neither did Ilse Trump. Ursula Trump, who runs the Trump bakery in the next village, eventually relented, palms upturned, and sighed: “You can’t choose your relatives, can you?”


    The relative in question is Donald J. Trump, president of the United States, multimillionaire, the most powerful man on the planet and a seventh cousin of Ursula Trump’s husband — though in Kallstadt, a sleepy village nestled in the rolling hills of Germany’s southwestern wine country, he is simply “Donald.”


    That is not least to avoid confusion with the other Trumps (or “Droomps,” as the name is pronounced in Palatinate dialect) listed in a phone book for the area: Beate Trump, a podiatrist in another nearby village, for example, or Justin Trump, a teenager whose friends say he sometimes gets teased for his coif of orange-blond hair.


    But the Weisenborns and the Geissels and the Benders and the Freunds in Kallstadt are related to Mr. Trump, too. “Practically half the village is,” chuckled Kallstadt’s mayor, Thomas Jaworek, before quickly adding: “I’m not.”

    但在卡尔斯塔特,魏森博恩家、盖塞尔家、本德尔家、弗罗因德家,也都是特朗普的亲戚。“几乎半个村子的人都是,”卡尔斯塔特的镇长托马斯·亚沃雷克(Thomas Jaworek)笑呵呵地说,不过他紧接着补充:“我跟他没亲戚关系。”

    Both of Mr. Trump’s paternal grandparents, Friedrich and Elisabeth Trump, were born in Kallstadt, home now to 1,200 inhabitants. Growing up directly opposite each other, they were baptized in the village church and married a few miles down the road before immigrating to the United States.


    By all accounts, Mr. Trump shares some key characteristics with his German grandfather, among them an interest in hair: Friedrich worked as a barber in New York before making his fortune running a restaurant and, reportedly, a brothel for gold diggers in the Yukon.


    Like his grandson, Friedrich was a teetotaler and avoided his military service. Though rather unlike him, he prided himself in paying taxes on the 80,000 marks he possessed in 1904 — the equivalent of a millionaire today — archival records show.


    In Protestant Kallstadt, where volunteers diligently tend communal flower beds and vintners have run a cooperative for 116 years, Friedrich Trump was a popular guy. Contemporaries described him as “polite,” a man who “lived quietly and withdrawn” and had an “unblemished way of life.”


    Kallstadt’s relationship with Donald Trump is more troubled, which may explain why there are no signposts pointing to the ancestral Trump home, a modest property with a sloping roof and a blue gate on one of the main village roads, let alone a plaque.


    And even though the local tourism office celebrates the regional delicacy of pig stomach, and the fact that the church organ dates to the days of Johann Sebastian Bach, little, aside from the names on a few graves in the village cemetery, hints at Kallstadt’s most famous grandson.

    另外,尽管当地的旅游部门高声赞美猪肚这个地方美食,教堂的管风琴历史可以追溯到约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫(Johann Sebastian Bach)时代,但除了村子墓园里几个坟墓上的名字,几乎看不到什么在暗示卡尔斯塔特这位最著名的子孙。

    “We don’t use the name in any way in touristic marketing,” Jörg Dörr in the tourism office explained. “The topic is too controversial.”

    “在旅游推广中,我们根本没有用过那个名字,”旅游办公室的豪尔赫·德雷(Jörg Dörr)解释说。“这个话题太有争议了。”

    Keeping a low profile has not kept the tourists or media away, nor the occasional Trump impersonator wandering up and down the street. On the contrary: “I have people peering through my window or knocking on my door all the time, asking ‘Where is the Trump house?’” lamented Manuela Müller-Wohler, who runs a nursery in Mr. Trump’s grandmother’s childhood home.

    保持低调并没能躲开游客和媒体的关注,偶尔还有特朗普的模仿者在街头走来走去。相反,“有人从我家窗户往里看,或者一直敲我的门,问‘特朗普家在哪里?’”曼努埃拉·穆勒—沃勒(Manuela Muller-Wohler)不满地说;她在特朗普的祖母小时候住的房子里经营着一家托儿所。

    Sometimes she is so annoyed that she sends them the wrong way, or to the house of a neighbor she does not much like. The other day she wanted to do her weekly shopping, but her driveway was blocked by a tourist bus.


    Her neighbors opposite, who bought Mr. Trump’s grandfather’s house — and, like Ms. Müller-Wohler, did not know the history before the purchase — are so exasperated that they have tried, and failed, to sell.


    Like the man himself, Mr. Trump’s ancestral presence is disruptive.


    After his election, local hotels received boycott threats and some cancellations from longtime customers. Wine orders were called off. Emails arrived from all corners of Germany, challenging the “Trump village” to take a stance, Mayor Jaworek recalled.


    If Kallstadt’s relationship with Mr. Trump is difficult, that appears to go both ways.


    “The Germans are bad, very bad,” Mr. Trump remarked during a meeting with European Union trade negotiators last year, complaining about Germany’s chronic trade surplus with the United States.


    Mr. Trump even used to deny his German ancestry altogether, claiming that he had Swedish roots. (There is a Karlstad in Sweden.)


    “Fake news,” commented Roland Paul, a local historian who was one of the first to research Mr. Trump’s German family.

    “假新闻”,当地历史学家罗兰·保罗(Roland Paul)评论说,他是第一个研究特朗普德国家族的人之一。

    Mr. Trump’s grandfather left Kallstadt for the United States at age 16 in 1885, and returned in 1902 a rich man, Mr. Paul said. He married the girl next door, and the couple went back to America.


    But soon Ms. Trump became homesick and wanted to go back to Germany. They returned, and her husband wrote a series of letters in 1904 and 1905 requesting the right to regain residency. Because he had not performed his military service, the Prince Regent of Bavaria refused.


    “We shall be ordered to leave?” Friedrich wrote after being informed that his visa would expire in July 1905. “That is hard, very hard for a family.”


    For some here, there is paradox in that history.


    Since Mr. Trump’s election, Mr. Geissel said, “everyone has been trying to work out how closely related they are to Trump.”


    This can sometimes lead to curious exchanges. Bernd Weisenborn, whose great-grandmother Barbara was also a sister of Friedrich Trump, was serving a local customer in his restaurant shortly after Mr. Trump quit the Paris climate accord.

    这有时会导致古怪的交流。伯恩德·魏森博恩(Bernd Weisenborn)的曾祖母芭芭拉(Barbara)也是弗里德里希·特朗普的姊妹,特朗普退出巴黎气候协议后不久,他在自己的餐厅接待了一位当地顾客。

    “Look what your relative is up to again,” the customer said.


    “He is your relative, too!” Mr. Weisenborn shot back.


    Now Kallstadt is alive with rumors that the president himself may visit.


    In January, the mayor met with the United States general consul, who wanted to see the Trump house and, over pig stomach and grape juice, announced that he would send the ambassador to visit next.


    And when Chancellor Angela Merkel visited Mr. Trump at the White House in April, she gave him a map of the Palatinate region where Kallstadt is.


    All recent American presidents have visited the Ramstein air base, the headquarters for United States troops in Europe, a mere 45-minute drive away, Mayor Jaworek pointed out.


    But if the president comes, he might be the only Trump around.


    “I think I’m going to go on holiday,” Ursula Trump said.


      上一篇:晕车晕船晕太空? 航天员警告太空有危险 下一篇:“挑战不可能”:香港龙舟赛上的盲人“黑武士”


