“There’s magic out there, in this great big beautiful world,” wrote Jay Austin who, along with his partner, Lauren Geoghegan, gave his two weeks’ notice last year before shipping his bicycle to Africa.
“在这个巨大的、美丽的世界里,有一种魔力,”杰伊·奥斯汀(Jay Austin)写道,他和伴侣劳伦·盖根(Lauren Geoghegan)去年提前两周申请了离职,然后把他的自行车寄去了非洲。
They were often proved right.
On Day 319 of their journey, a Kazakh man stopped his truck, said hello and handed them ice cream bars. In a meadow where they had pitched their tent on Day 342, a family showed up with stringed instruments and treated them to an open-air concert. And on Day 359, two pigtailed girls met them at the top of a pass in Kyrgyzstan with a bouquet of flowers.
There were hardships, too, including punctured tires, snarling dogs, freezing hail and illness. But for Austin and Geoghegan, both 29, these were far outweighed by moments of human connection.
Then, just over a week ago, came Day 369, when the couple was biking in formation with a group of other tourists on a panoramic stretch of road in southwestern Tajikistan. It was there, on July 29, that a carload of men who are believed to have recorded a video pledging allegiance to the Islamic State group spotted them.
A grainy cellphone clip recorded by a driver shows what happened next: The men’s Daewoo sedan passes the cyclists and then makes a sharp U-turn. It doubles back and aims directly for the bikers, ramming into them and lurching over their fallen forms. In all, four people were killed: Austin, Geoghegan and cyclists from Switzerland and the Netherlands.
Two days later, the Islamic State released a video showing five men it identified as the attackers, sitting before the ISIS flag. They face the camera and make a vow: to kill “disbelievers.”
It was a worldview as diametrically opposed as imaginable to the one Austin and Geoghegan were trying to live by. Throughout their travels, the couple wrote a blog together and shared Instagram posts about the openheartedness they wanted to embody and the acts of kindness reciprocated by strangers.
Back in Washington, where the pair met, Austin lived in a tiny house, an experiment in the principles that eventually led him to his journey around the world.
After earning a master’s degree from Georgetown University, he began working at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Convinced that many of the belongings people accrue are unnecessary, he began adopting a minimalist lifestyle, said his childhood friend Ashley Ozery.
在乔治城大学(Georgetown University)获得硕士学位后,他开始在美国住房和城市发展部(Department of Housing and Urban Development)工作。他儿时的朋友阿什莉·奥泽里(Ashley Ozery)说,他确信人们积攒的许多财产都是不必要的,于是开始采用极简主义的生活方式。
With his own hands, he built a house, nicknamed “The Matchbox,” that was so small — just 140 square feet — that it was profiled on numerous TV shows. To free up space, the walls were constructed with built-in magnets, so that he could store metal objects by sticking them to the paneling, like his spice collection.
If one of his goals was to pare down his life to the bare essentials, another was to enlarge his world. Because he had no mortgage weighing him down, his miniature house meant that he could take unpaid leave from his government job and travel the globe.
“At HUD at the end of each year, you could ask for a higher salary or more vacation,” said Ozery. “He always chose more vacation.”
First, he took a scooter trip around the United States. That was followed by a rail voyage in Europe. Next came a stint in Namibia. Then it was a weekslong trip across India, said Ozery, who became friends with Austin in 1999 at their elementary school in Manalapan, New Jersey.
In 2012, he met Lauren Anne Geoghegan, a native of Southern California, who like him had graduated from Georgetown and was now working in the college’s admissions office.
“Outside-the-box.” “Challenges me to grow.” “Adventurous.” That was how Geoghegan described Austin to her closest friends, said Kristen Bautz Robinson, who had known her since their first year at Georgetown.
“打破常规。”“挑战我,让我成长。”“有冒险精神。”盖根是这样向她最亲密的朋友描述奥斯汀的,从在乔治城大学的第一年就认识盖根的克里斯汀·鲍兹·罗宾逊(Kristen Bautz Robinson)说。
Although Geoghegan, too, was a seasoned traveler — she had spent a summer in Beirut learning Arabic and a semester in Madrid becoming fluent in Spanish — the rugged, do-it-yourself journeys that had become Austin’s hallmark were new to her.
His values began to rub off on her, say her friends. She bought a bike-share day-pass, which turned into an annual membership. Soon she purchased her own bike.
Austin was a vegan. Geoghegan became a vegetarian, said her close friend Amanda Kerrigan. 奥斯汀是个纯素食者。盖根成为了素食主义者,她的密友阿曼达·凯利甘(Amanda Kerrigan)说。
It was in 2016 that Geoghegan told Kerrigan that she was planning to quit her job and bike around the world. Kerrigan could not suppress a little concern. “I said, ‘This is not the Lauren I know,'” she said, adding: “Jay changed the trajectory of Lauren’s life.”
The day Geoghegan and Kerrigan said goodbye, the two friends hugged outside Geoghegan’s apartment.
“The minute your instinct tells you something is wrong — leave,” Kerrigan told her. She was concerned for her friend, in part because of how big-hearted she was and in part because she feared that Austin had a higher tolerance for danger than Geoghegan did.
Their journey was a series of tedious, and occasionally grueling, physical tests, punctuated by human kindness.
But in the course of their travels, their blog posts also noted flashes of cruelty.
On one mountain pass, a group of men blocked their path and tried to shove the couple off their bikes.
And just 50 yards from the Spanish border in bumper-to-bumper traffic, Austin signaled to a driver that he wanted to cut into his lane. The driver let him enter and then — slowly and deliberately — began to run him over, trapping Austin’s bike between the advancing car and the vehicle ahead of them.
Still, by the time they reached that bend in the road in Tajikistan just over a week ago, they had embraced the notion that the world was overwhelmingly good, the dozens of annotated photographs and the thousands of words they left behind show.
“You read the papers and you’re led to believe that the world is a big, scary place,” Austin wrote. “People, the narrative goes, are not to be trusted. People are bad. People are evil.
“I don’t buy it. Evil is a make-believe concept we’ve invented to deal with the complexities of fellow humans holding values and beliefs and perspectives different than our own … By and large, humans are kind. Self-interested sometimes, myopic sometimes, but kind. Generous and wonderful and kind.”
“No greater revelation has come from our journey than this,” he wrote.
In the video released by the Islamic State group after the couple’s death, the men pledging allegiance to the group can be seen sitting on a stone slab, an aquamarine lake partially visible over their left shoulders. It is the kind of panorama that the young couple might have stopped to capture and post on their blog.
But in the clip, when these men point to the scenery around them, they vow to slaughter the “disbelievers” who have overrun their land.