1. Talk on the phone at mealtimes
An absolute no-no for most (81%) of us - yet half of us have been with others who've done it. And more than a quarter (26%) of young adults admit to it.
"They should always be off and out of sight during meals, meetings and parties," insists Diana Mather, of The English Manner consultancy. "The person you're with is the person who's the most important. None of us is indispensable."
But even looking at the screen at the dinner table is not on - for some. More than four in five people aged 55 and over think it's unacceptable to check notifications, compared with around half (46%) of 18 to 34-year-olds.
2. Listen to loud music on public transport
Three-quarters (76%) of us object to watching videos and playing video games loudly on public transport, as well as listening to music, but it doesn't stop us doing it.

3. Be on the phone when you should be listening
You're at the till but on the phone mid-conversation. Do you hang up, say a polite "hello" and graciously pack away your bread and clementines - or chat on regardless?
It's a source of frustration for many a shop worker, receptionist and waiter. One Sainsbury's checkout worker was so incensed when a customer refused to end her call that she refused to serve her.
4. Walk while looking at your phone
They've got their head down, eyes peeled to the screen - and they're right in your path. Internally you're screaming Look up! Look up! But no - it's the pavement slalom again - dodging in and out of pedestrians in the phone zone.
And Twitter user @tiredhorizon has a public warning for them. Put away your phones in public buildings, hospitals and near reversing lorries.

5. Fiddle with devices while watching TV with others
Four in 10 (41%) adults think it's unacceptable to use a phone while curled up with the family on the sofa in front of TV.
For the older generation (those over 55) it's more of an issue - 62% object to it - than for younger adults - only one in five have a problem with it.