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    When Steve Jobs told his daughter Lisa Brennan-Jobs that the Apple Lisa computer was not named after her, it was not a cruel lie to a little girl, she insists — he was teaching her “not to ride on his coattails.”

    当史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)告诉他的女儿丽莎·布伦南-乔布斯(Lisa Brennan-Jobs),苹果的“丽莎”电脑不是以她的名字命名的时,这并不是一个对小女孩撒的残酷的谎言——丽莎坚称——而是乔布斯在教她不要“利用他的声望”。

    When Mr. Jobs refused to install heat in her bedroom, he was not being callous, she says — he was instilling in her a “value system.”


    When a dying Mr. Jobs told Ms. Brennan-Jobs that she smelled “like a toilet,” it was not a hateful snipe, she maintains — he was merely showing her “honesty.”


    It’s a strange thing to write a devastating memoir with damning details but demand that these things are not, in fact, damning at all. Yet that’s exactly what Ms. Brennan-Jobs has done in a new memoir, “Small Fry,” and in a series of interviews conducted over the last few weeks.

    写一部充满谴责性细节的令人震惊的回忆录,但同时又坚称这些细节不是谴责,是一件奇怪的事情。但这正是布伦南-乔布斯在她的新回忆录《小鱼小虾》(Small Fry)、以及她在过去几周中接受的一系列采访中所做的。

    Thanks to a dozen other biographies and films, Apple obsessives already know the broad outlines of Ms. Brennan-Jobs’s early life: Mr. Jobs fathered her at 23, then denied paternity despite a DNA match, and gave little in financial or emotional support even as he became a god of the early computing era. “Small Fry,” which goes on sale Sept. 4, is Ms. Brennan-Jobs’s effort to reclaim her story for herself.


    The backdrop to her raw depictions of life with and without Mr. Jobs is 1980s Silicon Valley, where artists and hippies mixed with technologists, ideas of how to build the future flourished, and a cascade of trillions of dollars was just beginning to crash onto the landscape. Ms. Brennan-Jobs navigated a childhood on welfare with her mother, the artist Chrisann Brennan, and an adolescence ensconced in her father’s wealth.

    她对跟乔布斯或不跟乔布斯一起生活的真实描述的大背景是20世纪80年代的硅谷。那时的硅谷,艺术家和嬉皮士与技术人员打成一片,关于如何建设未来的想法层出不穷,数万亿美元的资金开始源源不断地涌入。布伦南-乔布斯在童年时期曾靠政府福利生活,与身为艺术家的母亲克里斯安·布伦南(Chrisann Brennan)相依为命,后来在青春期靠父亲的财富过上了更加安稳的生活。

    In passage after passage of “Small Fry,” Mr. Jobs is vicious to his daughter and those around her. Now, in the days before the book is released, Ms. Brennan-Jobs is fearful that it will be received as a tell-all exposé, and not the more nuanced portrait of a family she intended. She worries that the reaction will be about a famous man’s legacy rather than a young woman’s story — that she will be erased again, this time in her own memoir.


    On the eve of publication, what Ms. Brennan-Jobs wants readers to know is this: Steve Jobs rejected his daughter for years, but that daughter has absolved him. Triumphantly, she loves him, and she wants the book’s scenes of their roller skating and laughing together to be as viral as the scenes of him telling her she will inherit nothing.


    Ms. Brennan-Jobs’s forgiveness is one thing. What’s tricky is that she wants the reader to forgive Mr. Jobs, too. And she knows that could be a problem.


    “Have I failed?” she asked, in one of our conversations. “Have I failed in fully representing the dearness and the pleasure? The dearness of my father, and the outrageous pleasure of being with him when he was in good form?”


    ‘The Bad Part of a Great Story’


    After college, Ms. Brennan-Jobs left the United States to work in finance in London and Italy; she later shifted into design, and then freelance writing for magazines and literary journals. Now 40, she has long avoided publicity. She has never been profiled, and she has carefully eluded most of her father’s chroniclers. (One exception: Aaron Sorkin, who called her “the heroine” of his 2015 Steve Jobs biopic.) Ms. Brennan-Jobs said she did not trust Walter Isaacson, who wrote the definitive, megaselling biography of her father in 2011.

    大学毕业后,布伦南-乔布斯离开了美国,在伦敦和意大利从事金融业;后来,她转而从事设计工作,再后来为杂志和文学期刊自由撰稿。现年40岁的她一直避免抛头露面。从未有媒体对她做过人物专访,她也曾小心翼翼地避开大多数为她父亲写传记的人。(有一个例外是亚伦·索尔金[Aaron Sorkin],他称布伦南-乔布斯是他2015年拍摄的史蒂夫·乔布斯传记片的“女主角”。)布伦南-乔布斯说,她不信任沃尔特·艾萨克森(Walter Isaacson),艾萨克森2011年为她父亲写的权威性传记曾畅销一时。

    “I never spoke with Walter, and I never read the book, but I know I came off as cold to my father and not caring whether he felt bad,” Ms. Brennan-Jobs said in late July, sitting in Cantine, a small, vegan-friendly cafe in Brooklyn’s Carroll Gardens neighborhood. “I was devastated by it.”

    “我从未与沃尔特谈过话,也从未读过那本书,但我知道(在这本书里)我给人的印象是,对父亲冷漠,不在乎他是否感到难过,”布伦南-乔布斯说,“(那本书)让我非常难过。”她是在7月份说这番话的,当时我们正坐在布鲁克林卡罗尔花园社区(Carroll Gardens)一家名为“餐厅”(Cantine)的、对素食者友好的小咖啡馆里。

    “I felt ashamed to be the bad part of a great story,” she continued. “And I felt unresolved.”


    And so in “Small Fry,” she seeks to resolve some of that shame by describing how her childhood unfolded, who key characters were, why it all happened. Ms. Brennan-Jobs went back to Silicon Valley and interviewed her family, her friends, her mother’s ex-boyfriends, and her father’s ex-girlfriend. In her childhood, the region had been green with eucalyptus and full of garage hackers. Now it is the greatest wealth-creation machine in the history of the world, and Mr. Jobs remains its towering hero.


    Ms. Brennan-Jobs began work on what would become “Small Fry” not long after her father’s 2011 death. Years into writing, she felt rushed by her publisher, Penguin Press, and feared being “tarted up” and made to take advantage of her father’s legacy. She wanted to be with a smaller publisher who would work with her and give her more time, and switched to Grove, taking what she says was a 90 percent cut in her advance. (A spokesperson for Penguin declined to comment.)

    布伦南-乔布斯在父亲于2011年去世后不久就开始了写作,这些文字后来变成了《小鱼小虾》。书写了数年后,她觉得当时的出版商企鹅出版社(Penguin Press)太急于求成了,她担心她的书会被“搞得花里胡哨的”,让她成了一个利用父亲遗产的人。她希望找一家愿意与她合作的更小的出版商,让她有更多的时间,于是她选择了格罗夫出版社(Grove Press),并称预付稿酬因此减少了90%。(企鹅出版社的发言人拒绝置评。)

    One result of the delay is that “Small Fry” is entering the public conversation at a time when, across industries, formerly disempowered or ignored women are having their say about powerful men. A memoir by Steve Jobs’s firstborn was always going to be a publishing sensation, but Ms. Brennan-Jobs has inadvertently timed hers to land when the public is even more attuned to marginalized voices — and when many are having darker thoughts about the world Mr. Jobs created with his attention-devouring devices.


    ‘I Hope Thanksgiving’s OK’


    None of that, of course, was imaginable when Ms. Brennan-Jobs was born on May 17, 1978, on a commune farm in Oregon. Her parents, who had met in high school in Cupertino, Calif., were both 23. Mr. Jobs arrived days after the birth and helped name her, but refused to acknowledge that he was the father. To support her family, Ms. Brennan cleaned houses and used government assistance. Only after the government sued Mr. Jobs did he agree to pay child support.


    “Small Fry” describes how Mr. Jobs slowly took a greater interest in his daughter, taking her skating and coming over to her house for visits. Ms. Brennan-Jobs moved in with him for a time during high school, when her mother was struggling with money and her temper, but Mr. Jobs was cold and had extreme demands for what being a member of the family entailed. The neighbors next door worried about the teenage Lisa, and one night, when Mr. Jobs was out, they moved her from his house and into theirs. Against Mr. Jobs’s wishes, the neighbors paid for her to finish college. (He later paid them back.)


    In an interview, Ms. Brennan-Jobs spoke of “not wanting to alienate people” she loves, but acknowledged that her memoir might do just that. Aside from Mr. Jobs, all the central characters are very much alive. “I hope Thanksgiving’s O.K.,” she said.


    Her mother, Ms. Brennan, is portrayed as a free spirit who nurtured her daughter’s creativity — but could be mercurial, hot-tempered and sometimes neglectful. “It was horrendous for me to read,” Ms. Brennan said in an interview. “It was very, very hard. But she got it right.”


    Mr. Jobs’s infamous venom is on frequent display in “Small Fry.” Out one night at dinner, Mr. Jobs turns to his daughter’s cousin, Sarah, who has just unknowingly offended him by ordering meat. “‘Have you ever thought about how awful your voice is?” Mr. Jobs asks Sarah. “Please stop talking in that awful voice,” he says, adding, “You should really consider what’s wrong with yourself and try to fix it.”


    Ms. Brennan-Jobs describes her father’s frequent use of money to confuse or frighten her. “Sometimes he decided not to pay for things at the very last minute,” she writes, “walking out of restaurants without paying the bill.” When her mother found a beautiful house and asked Mr. Jobs to buy it for her and Lisa, he agreed it was nice — but bought it for himself and moved in with his wife, Laurene Powell Jobs.

    布伦南-乔布斯在书中描述了她父亲经常用钱来迷惑或吓唬她。“有时,他在最后一刻决定不付钱,”她写道,“不付帐就走出餐馆。”当她的母亲看上了一幢漂亮的房子,请乔布斯为她和丽莎把房子买下来时,他同意房子不错,但却把房子给自己买了下来,和妻子劳伦·鲍威尔·乔布斯(Laurene Powell Jobs)一起搬了进去。

    Ms. Brennan said that her daughter has, if anything, underplayed the chaos of her childhood. “She didn’t go into how bad it really was, if you can believe that,” she said.


    But “Small Fry” also contains moments of joy that capture Mr. Jobs’s spontaneity and unparalleled mind. When Ms. Brennan-Jobs goes on a school trip to Japan, he arrives unannounced and pulls her out of the program for a day. Father and daughter sit, talking about God and how he sees consciousness. “I was afraid of him and, at the same time, I felt a quaking, electric love,” she writes.


    “When I started writing,” Ms. Brennan-Jobs told me, “I didn’t think he’d be so interesting on the page, and I was almost frustrated that he pulled so much gravity.”


    After Ms. Brennan-Jobs moved in with Mr. Jobs as a teenager, he forbade her from seeing her mother for six months, as a way to cement her connection to his new family. At the same time, Mr. Jobs shifted from neglectful to controlling. When Ms. Brennan-Jobs was getting increasingly involved at her high school, starting an opera club and running for freshman-class president, he got upset. “This isn’t working out. You’re not succeeding as a member of this family,” Mr. Jobs says in the memoir. “You’re never around. If you want to be a part of this family, you need to put in the time.”


    To appease her father, Ms. Brennan-Jobs transferred to another school that was closer to her father’s house. She persisted in becoming editor in chief of the school newspaper. Her mentor there, a journalism teacher named Esther Wojcicki, says “Small Fry” is a faithful account.

    为了安抚自己的父亲,布伦南-乔布斯转到了另一所离父亲家更近的学校。她执着地要当校报的主编。她在学校时的指导老师、教授新闻的教师埃丝特·沃耶茨基(Esther Wojcicki)说,《小鱼小虾》的记述是忠实的。

    “The dialogue that she had in there between her and Steve was just exactly right,” Ms. Wojcicki said. “The book is a gift to all of us.”


    Early copies of the memoir have circulated among family and friends. Ms. Powell Jobs, her children and Mr. Jobs’s sister, Mona Simpson, gave this statement to The Times: “Lisa is part of our family, so it was with sadness that we read her book, which differs dramatically from our memories of those times. The portrayal of Steve is not the husband and father we knew. Steve loved Lisa, and he regretted that he was not the father he should have been during her early childhood. It was a great comfort to Steve to have Lisa home with all of us during the last days of his life, and we are all grateful for the years we spent together as a family.”

    这本回忆录的早期版本曾在家人和朋友间传阅。鲍威尔·乔布斯、她的孩子们,以及乔布斯的妹妹莫娜·辛普森(Mona Simpson)给时报发了一份这样的声明:“丽莎是我们家庭的一部分,所以我们怀着悲伤的心情读了她的书。这本书里的描述与我们对过去的记忆有很大的不同。对史蒂夫的描写不是我们所知道的那个丈夫和父亲。史蒂夫爱丽莎,他对在她的童年时代没有做一个他本该成为的父亲感到后悔。让史蒂夫感到非常欣慰的是,丽莎和我们一起在家陪他度过了他生命的最后几天。我们都很感激我们作为一家人一起度过的岁月。”

    Set Free


    On a hot August day in Brooklyn, Ms. Brennan-Jobs and I walked to her studio, a small apartment with brick walls she painted white and a bamboo floor she painted black. While writing “Small Fry,” she told me, she covered the mirrors around her work space with paper. “I don’t like catching myself in the mirror,” she said, “because it’s like — ‘Oh, self.’”


    Ms. Brennan-Jobs said she was nervous about how she would be described physically in a profile, and so I asked her to use her own words. “My face is uneven,” she said. “I have small eyes. I wish I had dimples, but I don’t. I think right now I look jowly.”


    I interjected to say she had delicate features, and freckles, and was about 5 foot 2, with slightly reddish brown hair.


    “My nose,” Ms. Brennan-Jobs replied, “is not particularly delicate.”


    She is deeply self-deprecating, saying she was horrified to be doing “a celebrity memoir.” She said she was sure The New Yorker would not review the book, and that years ago, her first meeting at Grove only occurred because Elisabeth Schmitz, the editorial director, was doing a favor for a mutual friend.

    她高度自谦,称自己对写“名人回忆录”感到惊恐。她说,她确信《纽约客》不会评论她的书。而且,几年前,她得以与格鲁夫首次会面只是因为编辑部主任伊丽莎白·施米茨(Elisabeth Schmitz)在帮一位共同朋友的忙。

    “My first thought on being pitched the book was, ‘I don’t do this kind of thing. I don’t know how to publish a celebrity memoir,’” said Ms. Schmitz, who has acquired literary memoirs like the naturalist Helen Macdonald’s “H is for Hawk.” But something about Ms. Brennan-Jobs’s writing made her reconsider. “From the first page,” she said, “her language is fresh, surprising, unpredictable.”

    “当她向我提出写这本书的想法时,我的第一个反应是,‘我不做这种事情。我不知道怎样出版一本名人回忆录,’”施密茨说。她出版过几本文学回忆录,比如自然学家海伦·麦克唐纳(Helen Macdonald)的《鹰的第一个字母是H》(H is for Hawk)。但是,布伦南·乔布斯的写作中有些东西让她重新考虑。施密茨说,“她的语言从第一页开始就充满清新,令人惊讶,让人难以预测。”

    I’ve read it, and her writing really is compelling. Ms. Brennan-Jobs takes the same linguistic knife to herself as she does to others. She writes with disgust about using anecdotes from her childhood to elicit sympathy from others, and she is ashamed to have dropped her father’s name during an interview to get into Harvard.


    On Aug. 1, Vanity Fair published an excerpt from “Small Fry” under the digital headline “I Have a Secret. My Father Is Steve Jobs.” A few nights later, Ms. Brennan-Jobs called me, worried. She hated the title, and on social media, readers were feasting on the more savage details of her account — especially the “toilet” comment.


    “He was telling me the truth,” Ms. Brennan-Jobs told me, adding that the rosewater perfume she wore had turned. “I wasn’t aware of it. Sometimes it’s nice of someone to tell you what you smell like.”


    It was another uncomfortable reminder that even though “Small Fry” is Ms. Brennan-Jobs’s story — one written in a precise, literary style — her father’s myth looms so large that she cannot control how her words are received. When choosing a narrator for the audio version, she nixed the ones who spoke his lines too harshly or without humor.


    So much of Ms. Brennan-Jobs’s effort with the memoir seems to be to show how brutal Steve Jobs could be — and, in doing so, to reclaim that brutality for herself. And how she wants to reclaim it is to love it.


    “You get your inheritance, delivered in a lump of coal or whatever in a sort of awful package,” she told me at one point. “And you have to take a lot of time to turn the awful package on its head, and it reveals something kind of glorious, and then you’re set free.”


    Inappropriate Scenes


    If Ms. Brennan-Jobs was alarmed by the reaction to the toilet-water excerpt, she may be unprepared for what happens when readers encounter more disturbing material. Several times in “Small Fry,” Mr. Jobs engages in what seems like inappropriate affection in front of his daughter.


    Ms. Brennan-Jobs describes him embracing Ms. Powell Jobs one day, “pulling her in to a kiss, moving his hand closer to her breasts,” and up her thigh, “moaning theatrically.”


    When Ms. Brennan-Jobs tries to leave, her father stops her: “‘Hey Lis,’ he said. ‘Stay here. We’re having a family moment. It’s important that you try to be part of this family.’ I sat still, looking away as he moaned and undulated.”


    Ms. Brennan-Jobs emphasized in an interview that she never felt threatened by her father, and that to her, these scenes show he was “just awkward.”


    This kind of display was not an isolated incident, said Ms. Brennan-Jobs’ mother, who described an upsetting, sexualized conversation between Mr. Jobs and their daughter in her 2013 memoir, “A Bite in the Apple.” One evening, Ms. Brennan writes, she let Mr. Jobs babysit 9-year-old Lisa. When Ms. Brennan came home early, she found Mr. Jobs with the girl, “teasing her nonstop about her sexual aspirations,” “ridiculing her with sexual innuendos,” and “joking about bedroom antics between Lisa and this or that guy.”

    布伦南-乔布斯的母亲说,这种表现不是孤例,在她2013年出版的回忆录《咬一口苹果》(A Bite in the Apple)中,她写过乔布斯和他们的女儿有一次恼人的涉性对话。一天晚上,布伦南写道,她让乔布斯照看9岁的丽莎。布伦南提前回了家,她发现乔布斯和女儿在一起,“不停地拿她的性渴望取笑她”,“用性暗示嘲笑她”,“拿丽莎和这个或那个男孩的房事逗乐。”

    Ms. Brennan, in her memoir, describes feeling scared for her daughter that night, and wanting to place her body between them and get out of there. “I will be clear,” Ms. Brennan writes. “Steve was not a sexual predator of children. There was something else going on.” Still, after that night, Ms. Brennan tried to make sure there was “a chaperone” when Mr. Jobs was with his young daughter for long hours, she told me recently.


    “He was so inappropriate because he didn’t know how to do better,” Ms. Brennan said. In her book, she characterizes Mr. Jobs as “on a slide whistle between human and inhuman.”


    One afternoon in August, as Ms. Brennan-Jobs and I talked in her kitchen, she made a juice of dandelion greens, pineapple, turmeric and ginger roots. She eats an extremely healthy diet and knows it mirrors her father’s, which veered into esoteric California wellness trends, even as pancreatic cancer took over more of his body.


    Ms. Brennan-Jobs has a husband, Bill, a longtime Microsoft employee now launching a software start-up. He has two daughters, aged 10 and 12, and he and Ms. Brennan-Jobs have a 4-month-old son. As she drinks her juice, Bill is nearby with the children, and there’s an easygoing energy in the house.


    “I see my husband and the way he is with his daughters — responsive and alive and sensitive in ways my father would have liked to be,” Ms. Brennan-Jobs said. “My father would have loved to be a man like that, and he surrounded himself with men like that, but he couldn’t be.”


    Decades after his child-support lawsuit, Mr. Jobs erased his paternity again. “Small Fry” notes that on his corporate bio on the Apple website, the detail-obsessed chief executive was listed as having three children. But of course he had four.


    ‘We’re Just Cold People’


    The most public torchbearer for Mr. Jobs’s character and legacy is Ms. Powell Jobs. With an inherited fortune of some $21 billion, she has engaged in philanthropy and launched the Emerson Collective, an organization that pursues liberal political activism and for-profit investments, and owns a majority stake in the Atlantic magazine.

    乔布斯的形象和遗产,最公开的接棒人是鲍威尔-乔布斯。她继承了大约210亿美元的财富,投身慈善事业,并成立了艾默生集团(Emerson Collective),该集团从事自由主义政治活动和营利性投资,还拥有《大西洋月刊》的多数股权。

    Ms. Powell Jobs plays a somewhat “tonic note” in “Small Fry,” Ms. Brennan-Jobs said. Her stepmother brings her into family photos, for example, but many of the descriptions of Ms. Powell Jobs are biting.


    Ms. Brennan-Jobs told me that she gave Ms. Powell Jobs “the best line” in the book. It appears in a scene where Ms. Powell Jobs and Mr. Jobs go to a therapy session with a teenage Lisa. Ms. Brennan-Jobs cries and says she feels lonely and has wanted her parents to say good night to her.


    Ms. Powell Jobs responds to the therapist: “We’re just cold people.”


    Toward the end of Mr. Jobs’s life, he finally apologized to his daughter. Ms. Brennan-Jobs calls it her “movie ending.” In the book, she writes that Mr. Jobs said he was sorry he had not spent more time with her, and for disappearing during her adulthood, forgetting birthdays and not returning notes or calls.


    In reply, Ms. Brennan-Jobs says she knows he was busy. Mr. Jobs answers that he acted the way he did because she had offended him. “It wasn’t because I was busy. It was because I was mad you didn’t invite me to the Harvard weekend,” he says in the book, referring to a matriculation event.


    He also cries and tells her over and over again, “I owe you one” — a famously articulate communicator unable to summon the basic language of contrition.


    Ms. Brennan-Jobs may be experiencing a kind of author’s remorse as her book makes its way toward store shelves. But details as lethal as these — they sink into Mr. Jobs’s legend like daggers to the hilt — are more proof than any DNA test that she is her father’s daughter.


    Ultimately, Mr. Jobs left his daughter an inheritance in the millions — the same amount as his other children — and she is not involved in the allocation of his financial legacy. If she was in charge of his billions, she says, she would give it away to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation — a curious twist given her father’s epic rivalry with Apple’s archnemesis.

    最终,乔布斯给他的女儿留下数以百万计的遗产——数额与他另几个子女一样,但他的财务遗产分配工作与她无关。她说如果由她来负责那两百多亿美元,她就全捐给比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会(Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)——考虑到她父亲与这个苹果死对头的史诗级的对抗,那真是个神转折。

    “Would it be too perverse?” she asked. “I feel like the Gates Foundation is really doing good stuff, and I think I would just hot potato it away.”


    Ms. Brennan-Jobs said she wrote “Small Fry” in part to figure out why he withheld money from her even as his wealth ballooned, and as he spent it more freely on the children he had with Ms. Powell Jobs. She said she now sees it was about teaching her that money can corrupt.


    The ethos “felt true and kind of beautiful and kind of enlightened for somebody like that,” she said. Still, the question was “why he would have taken that value system and applied it so severely to me.”


    “You can have a value system and be unable to totally live it,” she added. “And you can imagine being that rich and famous and how amazing it is if you can hold on to some of your value system. He didn’t do it right. He didn’t apply it evenly. But I feel grateful for it.”


    Ms. Brennan-Jobs told me she likes toying with the strange power of being a memoirist writing about trauma because the reader knows she made it out O.K. She is here in the privileged position of writing this book, after all. And as a memoirist, even a reluctant one, she gets the final word.


    One night toward the end of Mr. Jobs’s life — and the end of the book — he is watching “Law and Order” in bed.


    “‘Are you going to write about me?’” he asks her.


    She tells him no.


    “‘Good,’ he says, and turns back to the television.”


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