Scientists at the Chinese Academy of Sciences launched the project worth one-billion yuan last November.
The unprecedented machine will have central processing units running at a frequency of 770 gigahertz or higher. By contrast, the fastest existing commercial processor runs at just 5 Ghz.

The machine will also help find a way to reduce the massive energy consumption of supercomputers. As supercomputers grow bigger, so does their appetite.
China's Sunway TaihuLight, the world's second-fastest supercomputer behind the Summit in the US, requires 15 megawatts of power to run for one year, according to a researcher involved in the R&D process.
By 2040, the world's computers may need more electricity than our global energy production can deliver, according to a report released by the Semiconductor Industry Association and the Semiconductor Research Corporation in 2015.
The superconducting computer could be one of the most radical solutions to an ever-increasing energy demand. The concept rests on sending electric currents through supercooled circuits made of superconducting materials.