While the exact number is not known because much of the debt is not held on balance sheet, a report from S&P Global estimated that local government financing vehicles, or LGFVs, have racked up between Rmb30tn and Rmb40tn ($4.5tn and $6tn).
虽然确切数字未知,因为大部分债务不在资产负债表上,但标普全球(S&P Global)的一份报告估计,中国地方政府融资平台(LGFV)已积累了30万亿至40万亿元人民币(合4.5万亿至6万亿美元)的债务。
“And that’s a debt iceberg with titanic credit risks,” the report states.
For many years, local governments in China were not allowed to raise debt in capital markets and therefore resorted to creating separate vehicles in order to finance infrastructure projects, a key driver of local economic growth.
While local governments have more recently been allowed to issue bonds, and Beijing has sought to crack down on off-balance-sheet financing for local governments, LGFVs have remained active. Local governments have used public-private partnerships and investment funds to finance many of their infrastructure projects in recent years, according to the S&P report.
“This was just another way to ratchet up the amount of hidden government debt for many projects,” the report says.
The result of the high level of debt, according to the report, could be defaults at local governments - particularly at "weaker prefectural city-level or district-level governments" - as China’s economy cools off.
China’s economic growth is expected to decelerate in the coming years. GDP is expected to grow 6.6 per cent in the third quarter of the year, a slight decline compared to the previous quarter. At The government is also pushing through rigorous banking reforms that have tightened the access to credit through off-balance-sheet channels.
At the same time, a fierce trade war that has broken out between the US and China is expected to dent economic output in the coming months.