iPhone XR测评:适合我们大多数人的实惠机型
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    Good news, Apple loyalists: You won’t have to burn $1,000 on your next iPhone. That’s because for about $750, you can have the iPhone XR, which is just as fast and nearly as capable as its more expensive counterparts.

    果粉们,好消息:你们不必在下一部iPhone上花费1000美元了。因为用大约750美元,你就可以获得一部iPhone XR,和对应的iPhone相比,它一样快,几乎一样强大,但要便宜一些。

    The cheaper iPhone, which becomes available Friday, is the model that most people should buy. This year’s other iPhones — namely the XS and XS Max devices, which cost about $1,000 and $1,100 and are already in stores — are luxury devices better suited for enthusiasts willing to spend a premium for superior cameras or a jumbo screen.

    周五上市的这款更便宜的iPhone,是大多数人应该购买的型号。今年的其他iPhone——即已在商店中销售的XS和XS MAX设备,售价约1000美元和1100美元——是面向愿为高级相机或巨型屏幕花费高价的狂热爱好者的豪华设备。

    For everyone else, the XR is perfectly adequate and has few downsides. Its 6.1-inch screen, which is based on LCD, an older display technology, looks ever so slightly inferior to the OLED screens on the XS phones — but you would need to be a movie buff to notice the difference.


    The XR’s single-lens camera is also less capable than the dual-lens cameras on the XS models. Yet the XR can still produce very satisfying photos of people using portrait mode, also known as the bokeh effect, which puts the picture’s main subject in sharp focus while gently blurring the background.


    The XR is slightly less durable than its more expensive cousins. Its glass back is not as tough as the one on the XS. Its casing, or chassis, is composed of aluminum instead of the more robust stainless steel on the costlier phones. Yet these differences are negligible. (I recommend that people use a case to protect those parts of the phone anyway; carrying a phone without a case is a bit like driving a car without bumpers.)


    All of these minor negatives add up to a win for price-conscious consumers, especially as smartphone prices keep climbing — iPhones a few years ago started at about $650, while prices for Android phones from Google and Samsung have also shot up to between $700 and $1,000.


    After I tested an XR for four days, here are the highlights.


    Apple developed a new kind of LCD to improve color accuracy and squeeze the XR’s screen into the corners of the phone. The result is what Apple calls a Liquid Retina display, which looks better — brighter and more vibrant — than past iPhone LCD screens.

    苹果研发了一种新型LCD屏来提高色彩准确度,并将XR的屏幕扩大到了手机的边角。结果就是苹果称为“液体视网膜”的屏幕,它看起来比过去的iPhone LCD屏幕更好——更亮、更鲜艳。

    I confess that I struggled to see a difference between the Liquid Retina screen and the OLED on an iPhone XS. The distinction is most evident in blacks: If you look at a photo taken in the dark, you will notice that the blacks on the XR’s screen have a faint blue glow, which is coming from the backlight used to illuminate the screen, while the blacks on the XS look darker and more realistic because the OLED technology turns off individual pixels to make them black.

    我承认我很难分辨出液体视网膜屏和iPhone XS上的OLED屏有什么区别。最明显的迹象出现在黑色区域:如果你查看一张在黑暗中拍摄的照片,你会注意到XR屏幕上的黑色区域闪着微弱的蓝色光芒,这来自于照亮屏幕的背光,而XS上的黑色区域看起来则更暗更真实,因为OLED技术关闭了个别像素使其变黑。

    While browsing Instagram on the XR and the XS, I came across a few photos that clearly looked better on the XS’ OLED screen. One example was a professional photo for a New York Times Cooking article about cherry season. In the photo, which shows a variety of cherries in colorful baskets, the reds and cyans looked more accurate on the XS than on the XR, and some of the red stains on the wood table were more visible on the XS.


    These downsides were trivial. The vast majority of your time on a phone will probably be spent looking at amateur photos taken by friends and family anyway, so it’s worth saving $250 to have this slightly less vibrant screen.


    If you are debating between an XS and XR, your buying decision will probably come down to the camera. The XR’s single-lens camera takes excellent, clear photos with lifelike colors, but because it lacks a second lens, it is less capable at taking those DSLR-like portrait mode shots, which are a lot of fun.


    To do portrait mode with the XR’s single lens, Apple used machine learning, which involves computers analyzing images to recognize people in the photo and properly sharpen them while blurring the background. Apple decided to limit its machine-assisted image processing on the device specifically to human subjects.


    In contrast, the second lens on the XS camera helped the device do portrait shots of a wider variety of subjects, like dogs and objects. In addition to the help of machine learning, the two lenses worked together to create a depth-of-field effect that kept the main subject in sharp focus while blurring the background.


    When you attempt to take a portrait photo of a nonhuman, the XR camera will display the message “No person detected.” This was the biggest downer to me as a dog owner and foodie (and what ultimately drove me to buy an XS).


    In contrast, Google’s $800 Pixel 3 also has a single lens and, with the help of machine learning, did a fantastic job in my tests producing portrait mode photos featuring dogs, food and people.

    相比之下,800美元的谷歌Pixel 3也只有一个镜头,在机器学习的帮助下,在我尝试为狗、食物和人拍摄肖像模式照片时出色地完成了工作。

    Let’s speed through what else you need to know about the XR:


    • Apple said the XR had the longest battery life among the new iPhones. It gets 16 hours of video playback, compared with 15 hours on the XS Max. In my tests, I didn’t notice a meaningful difference. Both iPhones had long enough battery life to get me through the day.

    • Apple表示XR在新款iPhone中续航时间最长。它可以播放16小时的视频,而XS Max能播放15小时。在我的测试中,我没有注意到有意义的差别。两款iPhone都有足够长的电池续航时间让我度过一天。

    • In speed tests measuring a single computing core with a benchmarking app, the XR was just as fast as the XS, 49 percent faster than Google’s Pixel 3 and 45 percent faster than Samsung’s Galaxy S9.

    • 在跑分应用中测试单个处理器核心的速度时,XR与XS一样快,比谷歌的Pixel 3快49%,比三星的Galaxy S9快45%。

    • The body of the XR is about half a millimeter thicker than the XS partly because the cheaper phone had to make room for the backlighting used to illuminate its LCD screen. In addition, the XR’s 6.1-inch screen is a bit bigger than the XS with a 5.8-inch screen. As a result, it felt bulkier in the pocket than the XS. (Of course, the XS Max with a 6.5-inch screen felt the bulkiest.)

    • XR的机身比XS厚约半毫米,部分原因是便宜的手机必须为用于照亮LCD屏幕的背光腾出空间。此外,XR的6.1英寸屏幕比配有5.8英寸屏幕的XS略大。结果,它放在口袋里时感觉比XS更笨重(当然,配备6.5英寸屏幕的XS Max感觉最笨重)。

    • The XR lacks 3D Touch, the iPhone feature that lets users control some of the software by exerting pressure on the touch screen. Instead, placing your finger over a button, like the camera shortcut on the lock screen, and holding it down results in haptic feedback. This is a negligible omission: I forgot that 3D Touch even existed because I rarely use it.

    • XR没有3D Touch功能,这项iPhone特色功能可让用户通过在触摸屏上施加压力来控制某些软件。相反,将手指放在按钮上,如锁定屏幕上的相机快捷方式,并按住它会产生触觉反馈。这是一个可以忽略不计的缺失:我甚至忘了3D Touch的存在,因为我很少使用它。

    • The XR comes in six colors: white, black, blue, yellow, coral and red. The XS phones come in three: gold, white and black.

    • XR有六种颜色:白、黑、蓝、黄、珊瑚和红。XS手机有三种:金、白和黑。

    As is often the case for new gadgets, good things come to those who wait. If you resisted splurging on the XS to wait for the XR, you will be rewarded with a great phone — and some extra cash lying around.


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