The test fire of the so-called Starhopper engine tookplace on Wednesday at its Boca Chica, Texas, testfacility. The test was a tethered hop that let theengine do a “static fire” while connected to theground so engineering teams could monitor it.
周三,相关人士在德克萨斯州Boca Chica的测试设施进行了所谓的Starhopper发动机的测试。测试可以看作是一次“系绳跳”,让发动机在连接到地面时进行“静态点火”,以便工程团队可以对其进行监控。
Musk later tweeted “all systems green” which we’re guessing means that the test wassuccessful.

Starhopper is one of the engines that will hopefully help propel SpaceX’s new 100-personspacecraft, called Starship to the Moon and beyond. The Starhopper is powered by Raptorengines, which run on liquid methane and liquid oxygen, and will fly no higher than 5,000 meters (16,400 feet) in the air, according to documents filed with the Federal CommunicationsCommission.
As Musk tweeted last month, one engine allows for short hops, while three are required forsuborbital flights. SpaceX is expected to add two more Raptor engines to Starhopper in thecoming months, leading to bigger and more dramatic launches.
正如马斯克上个月发推文的那样,一个引擎允许短跳,而三个是亚轨道飞行所需。 SpaceX预计将在未来几个月内向Starhopper增加两个Raptor引擎,从而实现更大,更宏大的着陆。
While the new Starhopper technology can launch crafts into suborbital space, to get all the wayto the stars, SpaceX is counting on its massive booster, the Super Heavy, to propel itsspaceship to the moon and Mars, at least in theory.