A passer-by saw the attack unfold in Riverside Park, County Durham last Thursday evening, reporting the woman had grabbed the bird, straddled it and wrung its neck.
Police were called and found the bird dead with an injury to its neck which suggested it had been strangled.
Officers have spoken to two women in connection with the incident.
Swans are protected under the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act and it is illegal to harm or kill them.
RSPCA inspector Trevor Walker said: "Officers attended the scene where they found the adult swan dead - with a soft tissue injury consistent with being strangled - and spoke to two women in connection with the incident.
"The bird's body was removed by council workers and we were contacted to investigate."
He added: "This sounds like an extremely upsetting incident and this attack has led to the unnecessary, tragic death of a beautiful bird."
The RSPCA has appealed for anyone who may have information about the incident, which happened at about 7pm, to contact their appeal line on 0300 123 8018.
皇家防止虐待动物协会呼吁,任何可能了解这起事件的人,请拨打他们的上诉热线:0300 123 8018。