#11 People's Choice, Nature: 'Split Shot Taken Of Crabeater Seals' By Rita Kluge
自然:《食蟹海豹的分裂镜头》 丽塔·克鲁格
#12 People's Choice, Cities: 'Follow The Light' By Junhui Fang
城市:《跟随光》 方俊辉
#13 People's Choice, Nature: 'Colorado River' By Stas
自然:《科罗拉多河》 斯塔斯
#14 Third Place, Nature: 'Dusky Dolphins' By Scott Portelli
第三名,自然:《黑海豚》 斯科特·波特利
(Photo: Scott Portelli/2019 National Geographic Travel Photo Contest)
#15 Honorable Mention, People: 'Mood' By Navin Vatsa
人物:纳文·瓦萨的《情绪》 获荣誉奖
(Photo: Navin Vatsa/2019 National Geographic Travel Photo Contest)
#16 Honorable Mention, Nature: 'King Of The Alps' By Jonas Schäfer
(Photo: Jonas Schäfer/2019 National Geographic Travel Photo Contest)
#17 People's Choice, Cities: 'Sunrise Glow Decorates The City In Fog' By Carlo Yuen
城市:《雾中的城市》 袁志强
#18 First Place, People: 'Showtime' By Huaifeng Li
(Photo: Huaifeng Li/2019 National Geographic Travel Photo Contest)
#19 Second Place, Cities: 'In The Age Of Aviation' By Jassen Todorov
第二名,城市:《在航空时代》 托多罗夫
(Photo: Jassen Todorov/2019 National Geographic Travel Photo Contest)
#20 People's Choice, People: 'On The Streets Of Bulgaria' By Kristyn Taylor
人物:《在保加利亚的街道上》 克里斯廷·泰勒
#21 Second Place, People: 'Daily Routine' By Yoshiki Fujiwara
第二名,人物:《每日路由》 藤原吉木
(Photo: Yoshiki Fujiwara/2019 National Geographic Travel Photo Contest)
#22 People's Choice, People: 'Cherry Blossoms In The Concrete' By Lester
人物:《水泥里的樱花》 莱斯特
#23 Third Place, Cities: 'Streets Of Dhaka' By Sandipani Chattopadhyay
第三名,城市:《达卡街道》 Sandipani Chattopadhyay
(Photo: Sandipani Chattopadhyay/2019 National Geographic Travel Photo Contest)
#24 People's Choice, Cities: 'Tokyo Life' By Shan W
城市:《东京生活》 单伟建
#25 People's Choice, People: 'Beach - Chaung Thar, Myanmar' By Maciej Dakowicz
#26 Third Place, People: 'Horses' By José Antonio Zamora
(Photo: José Antonio Zamora/2019 National Geographic Travel Photo Contest)