Women have worn burkinis at a swimming pool in Grenoble to protest a ban on the garments, as temperatures in the French city soar.
The women, from the Citizen Alliance of Grenoble, were told they weren't allowed the swimsuits at the complex.
这些来自格勒诺布尔公民联盟(Citizen Alliance of Grenoble)的女性被告知,她们不允许在该建筑内穿泳装。
Police later questioned them and they were fined €35 , local media reports.
The protest comes as a week-long heat wave begins across Europe. BBC Weather reports Grenoble reaching temperatures between 34C and 40C until at least Monday.
"We have a dream: to have fun in public swimming pools like all other citizens, to accompany our children whenever they want to have a swim while it is very hot in the summer here in Grenoble," two Muslim women, Hassiba and Latifa, told the BBC.
France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Bulgaria and the German state of Bavaria have all imposed some restrictions on the wearing of full-face veils in public places.
"We must fight against discriminatory policies and prejudice in France, as we are actually deprived of our civil rights of access to public services and city-owned infrastructures," the Muslim women told the BBC.