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    There's lead in Newark's water. A mom worries her child is 'being poisoned'


    The water 5-year-old Bryce loves could have profound effects on his health. Though human skin does not absorb lead from water, Thomas fears Bryce could accidentally ingest the water that flows into the family's home while playing. He'd just helped his mom wash dishes under a filter that reduces lead in contaminated tap water.


    Thomas rose to compose herself, another sea of toys around the chair at her feet. She stepped toward the kitchen where Bryce played.



    "They're not advocating for the residents at all," Thomas said of local politicians. "Forget the adults. What about the children? Who's looking out for them? He can't go to the City Council and speak on his own behalf. He doesn't even know he's being poisoned."


    New Jersey's largest city this week began offering bottled water to about 14,000 households that may have been consuming tap water contaminated with lead for months or possibly years -- a move residents and water experts said came long after official denials anything was wrong.


    The growing crisis in Newark is being compared to Flint, Michigan.In Michigan, where many low-income people are predominantly African-American, chronically dangerous lead levels in communities have forced people to rely on bottled water and led to lawsuits against state and local officials.


    "It's once again a case of environmental injustice, a case of environmental racism," Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, the Flint physician who sounded the alarm on that city's water crisis, said of Newark.

    “这又是一个环境不公的案例,一个环境种族主义的案例,”弗林特的医生莫娜·汉纳-阿提莎(Mona Hanna-Attisha)博士在谈到纽瓦克时说。他曾为该市的水危机敲响了警钟。

    "It is once again a population of poor, predominantly minority people who are disproportionately burdened by contamination. Flint wasn't the first example. Newark is not the last example."


    Water crisis pits neighbor against neighbor


    The matter of lead-tainted tap water first flickered on the Newark radar nearly a decade ago, when water samples taken from city schools tested above a key federal threshold for safe lead levels. Problematic pipes and fixtures were replaced, but citywide testing in 2017 showed the same problem in a substantial number of homes.


    In a city of about 285,000 people who have struggled through extreme poverty, spasms of violent crime and a cash-strapped municipal government, the water crisis has led to tension between concerned residents and supporters of the Baraka, a Newark native and son of the poet and activist Amiri Baraka.


    Newark kids' blood lead levels are top in state


    The city tested Thomas' water in the fall of 2017 for lead and said it was about 9 parts per billion, below the 15 parts per billion (ppb) limit at which the US Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, requires official corrective action to be taken. Thomas learned the result from a letter sent by the city that she shared with CNN.

    该市在2017年秋季对托马斯的水进行了铅检测,并表示其铅含量约为9 ppb,低于美国环境保护局(EPA)要求采取官方纠正措施的15 ppb限值。托马斯是从市政府发来的一封信中得知这一结果的,并与CNN分享了这封信。

    An independent test about 14 months later, however, showed lead levels of 27 ppb, nearly twice the EPA's action-level mark.

    大约14个月后进行的一项独立测试显示,铅水平为27 ppb,几乎是EPA行动水平标志的两倍。

    City gives out 35,000+ lead-safe water filters


    The NRDC learned in 2017 that Newark had elevated lead levels, said Erik D. Olson, a drinking water expert at the council. But when the group approached city officials to offer help, "we didn't get anywhere." In 2018, the nonprofit teamed up with the Newark Education Workers Caucus and began ongoing litigation against the city.


    Not all residents can get free bottled water



    At the Boylan Street Recreation Center, one of the city's bottled water distribution points, some residents in long lines were turned away this week after city officials told them they did not live in areas with high lead levels.

    在该市瓶装水配送中心之一的博伊兰街娱乐中心(Boylan Street Recreation Center),一些排长队的居民本周被拒之门外,原因是该市官员告诉他们,他们不住在铅含量较高的地区。

    A truck from the city's emergency management office delivered pallets of bottled water on sweltering Wednesday afternoon. One resident quipped, "Is the expiration date good on these?" referring to an incident one day earlier when city officials did not distribute bottled water that had an expired best-by date.


    As summer winds down, Thomas keeps a close eye on Bryce whenever he plays with the water -- whether it's the tub filled with toy sharks, in the kitchen sink with his winged reptiles or at the garden hose in the backyard.


    "The lead is not visible," she said. "There's no smell to it, no particular taste. It's kind of like an invisible killer. and our kids are being exposed to it every day, every time the water comes on."


      上一篇:库克山两周内第二次雪崩,一人受伤 下一篇:刚果一名母亲死于埃博拉病毒,婴儿正在接受治疗


